In some sources a low value of \textfraction=0.07 is recommmended (see However, if I apply these values, some of my floats (both images and tables) overlap with the text, even though there would be enough space. Why is that?
Minimal working example see below:
% Document class
\documentclass[ a5paper, % type of paper
parskip=half, % distance between paragraphs shall be half a line
usegeometry, % facilitates use of geometry package into scrbook class
\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}
\newgeometry{left=5cm, right=1.6cm, top=1.1cm, bottom=1.1cm, % margins from page to body
includeheadfoot, % header and footer are considered as part of the body, hence are placed within margins
headsep=0.6cm, % vertical distance from top of textbody to bottom of header
footskip=0.9cm, % vertical distance from bottom of textbody to top(?) of footer
footnotesep=0.9cm, % vertical distance from bottom of textbody to top(?) of footnotes
\renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.07} % allow minimal text w. figs
and classified correctly. Then, the linear fit described in step three can be correctly performed (see right hand side of Fig.~\ref{fig:06_FSM_preoptim}).
\begin{figure} [htbp]
\caption{Diagram, in which the benefits of the preoptimization before the linear fit are demonstrated}
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