Using \centering
or the table
environment doesn't seem to change the text inside the tabular. It shouldn't be a problem the graphics with tikz or the microtype
How can they be centered without the left margin (using up all the page horizontal space) ?
\newcommand{\tableau}[1]{{\sffamily #1}}
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
% #1 = draw options
% #2 = left point
% #3 = right point
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw [thick, -stealth, #1] ($(#2)+(0.35em,-0.5ex)$) to ($(#3)+(0.25em,-0.5ex)$);
\item {\sffamily acgaccccaa}
\$ & a & c & g\\
\{10\} & \{0,3,8,9\} & \{\tikzmark{1}1,4,5,6,7\} & \{\tikzmark{2}2\}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{2}{1}
\$ & a & c & cg & g\\
\{10\} & \{\tikzmark{0}0,3,8,9\} & \{4,5,6,7\} & \{\tikzmark{1}1\} & \underline{\{2\}}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{1}{0}
\$ & a & acg & c & cg & g\\
\{10\} & \{\tikzmark{3}3,8,9\} & \{0\} & \{\tikzmark{4}4,\tikzmark{5}5,\tikzmark{6}6,\tikzmark{7}7\} & \underline{\{1\}} & \underline{\{2\}}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{4}{3}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{5}{3}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{6}{3}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{7}{3}
\$ & a & acccc & acg & c & cg & g\\
\underline{\{10\}} & \underline{\{8,9\}} & \underline{\{3\}} & \underline{\{0\}} & \underline{\{4,5,6,7\}} & \underline{\{1\}} & \underline{\{2\}}
\item {\sffamily aeeeaaeabceeedee}
\$ & a & b & c & d & e\\
\{16\} & \{\tikzmark{0}0,4,\tikzmark{5}5,7\} & \{8\} & \{\tikzmark{9}9\} & \{\tikzmark{13}13\} & \{\tikzmark{1}1,\tikzmark{2}2,\tikzmark{3}3,\tikzmark{6}6,\tikzmark{10}10,\tikzmark{11}11,\tikzmark{12}12,\tikzmark{14}14,\tikzmark{15}15\}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{1}{0}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{2}{0}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{3}{0}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -18]{6}{5}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -39]{10}{9}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -39]{11}{9}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -39]{12}{9}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{14}{13}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{15}{13}
\$ & a & ae & aeee & b & ceee & dee & e\\
\{16\} & \{4,7\} & \{6\} & \{0\} & \{8\} & \{\tikzmark{9}9\} & \{\tikzmark{13}13\} & \underline{\{1,2,3,6,10,11,12,14,15\}}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{13}{9}
\$ & a & ae & aeee & b & ceeedee & dee & e\\
\{16\} & \{4,7\} & \{6\} & \{0\} & \{\tikzmark{8}8\} & \{\tikzmark{9}9\} & \underline{\{13\}} & \underline{\{1,2,3,6,10,11,12,14,15\}}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{9}{8}
\$ & a & ae & aeee & bceeedee & ceeedee & dee & e\\
\{16\} & \{4,\tikzmark{7}7\} & \{6\} & \{0\} & \{\tikzmark{8}8\} & \underline{\{9\}} & \underline{\{13\}} & \underline{\{1,2,3,6,10,11,12,14,15\}}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{8}{7}
\$ & abceeedee & ae & aeee & bceeedee & ceeedee & dee & e\\
\{16\} & \{\tikzmark{4}4,7\} & \{\tikzmark{6}6\} & \underline{\{0\}} & \underline{\{8\}} & \underline{\{9\}} & \underline{\{13\}} & \underline{\{1,2,3,6,10,11,12,14,15\}}
\DrawArrow[blue,out=-90, in=-90, bend right = -30]{6}{4}
\$ & abceeedee & abceeedeeae & ae & aeee & bceeedee & ceeedee & dee & e\\
\underline{\{16\}} & \underline{\{7\}} & \underline{\{4\}} & \underline{\{6\}} & \underline{\{0\}} & \underline{\{8\}} & \underline{\{9\}} & \underline{\{13\}} & \underline{\{1,2,3,6,10,11,12,14,15\}}
Here are the result: I would like the tabular to be centered along the page.
What I would like to see is that each tabular align center with the page, without the left margin, a true center of all the table to the page.
The 2 to 3 last tables are wider than \textwidth
, so they won't align well.