The document reproduced below has a problem with the margin note going outside the page. If I remove the package classicthesis then the problem solves: the note stays inside the page. So there is a problem of interaction with classicthesis (I had many, but I like so much the style of classicthesis and I would like to keep it). If I experiment with the file classicthesis.sty (see I find that the problem is caused by the lines
which redefine the dimensions of the margin. If I remove all these lines (there are many "if" branches and I'm not sure which is executed) the problem solves.
What is the best way to fix this problem? Maybe I should redefine these length to the default value, but how I find what is the default value? Maybe I can customize the file classicthesis, but I don't feel comfortable with this option. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
added: the problem is maybe also caused by the interaction with the geometry package. I need custom page size and I'm not sure what is the correct way to provide it: after many iterations I find as the only solution to load the geometry package after classicthesis. Not sure if it is the correct way to go.
\usepackage{mparhack} % fix margin notes (otherwise sometime they go to wrong margin!)
\newcommand{\mynote}[1]{\marginnote{{\footnotesize #1}}}
spaceabove=6pt, spacebelow=6pt,
notefont=\mdseries, notebraces={(}{)},
spaceabove=6pt, spacebelow=6pt,
\begin{axiom}[campo ordinato]
\mynote{campo ordinato}
Le operazioni di campo e l'ordinamento sono compatibili nel senso che
valgono le seguenti proprietà:
\item positività: se $x\ge 0$ e $y \ge 0$ allora $x+y \ge 0$ e $x\cdot y\ge 0$;
\item monotonia: se $x \ge y$ allora $x+z \ge y+z$.