I am working with a project which requires LuaLaTeX
(TeX Live) and the Noto Serif Myanmar
font. I need a few words of Burmese only. The MWE works well with XeLaTeX
. But LuaLaTeX
has a problem with the ligatures. Is there any way to get this to work with LuaLaTeX
and the used Noto Serif Myanmar
font (besides setting them with XeLaTeX
and include them as graphics, e.g. with https://ctan.org/pkg/standalone)?
{\burmeseFamily{} #1}
{\burmeseFamilyDecom{} #1}}
Might be usefull: \url{https://r12a.github.io/pickers/burmese/}
The RHS is just for comparison, the LHS is what I really need.
The website https://r12a.github.io/pickers/burmese/ might be useful for an analysis of the ligatures. Thanks to ShreevatsaR's comment below, the site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_text_layout might give some relevant information. If you are not familiar with the Noto
fonts, you might want to read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noto_fonts.
Update. Version 2.7b (2019/02/12) of https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec adds (experimental) support for additional rendering engines such as Harfbuzz
or Graphite
. I was not able to do a correct set up with those engines, yet, see also the comments on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/441914/128553 below.
Later, the posts How to install HarfTeX on TeXLive?, What is "latex-dev"?, and https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/515934/128553 lead to a new and much more easy way to get the desired results. My thanks to everyone who was involved in all of the attempts to solve the problem, and to my sysadmin who kindly updated the system.
how to write Burmese in latex? is related.