I am having some problems to customize the abnt-numeric style in biblatex. I have almost everything I need set, but I want to use square brackets around citations and around the numbers in the bibliography.
I want this citation to show with square brackets instead of parenthesis \cite{Vergnano2015}, as well as this one \textcite{Ericson2005}.
I also want the bibliography numbers, in the "REFERENCES" section, around square brackets.
Where "library.bib" contains:
address = {Hoboken, NJ, USA},
author = {Ericson, Clifton A.},
doi = {10.1002/0471739421},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Andre/Google Drive/UFABC/IC2/Artigos e livros leitura/Selecionados para SIMEA 2018/Ericson, 2005 - Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9780471739425},
month = {jul},
publisher = {John Wiley {\&} Sons, Inc.},
title = {{Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety}},
url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/0471739421},
year = {2005}
author = {Vergnano, Alberto and Berselli, Giovanni and Pellicciari, Marcello},
doi = {10.1007/s12008-015-0295-y},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Andre/Google Drive/UFABC/IC2/Artigos e livros/Vergnano, 2015 - Parametric virtual concepts in the early design of mechanical systems{\_} a case study application.pdf:pdf},
issn = {19552505 19552513},
journal = {International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing},
keywords = {CAD based simulation,Design process,Vibrating screen,Virtual concepts,Virtual prototyping,virtual prototype},
mendeley-tags = {virtual prototype},
pages = {1--10},
title = {{Parametric virtual concepts in the early design of mechanical systems: a case study application}},
year = {2015}
Can anyone give me a hand? Thanks in advance!!