I would like to continue the numbering of the examples with gb4e from my main text in my footnotes. I guess that this has something to do with resetting the counter for \ex in footnotes, but I do not have any idea how to do this. I have included a MWE of the 'issue' below.
Thanks in advance
A first example:
\ex First test
\gll Dit is een test. \\
this is a test \\
\glt `This is a test.'
Now a second example in the footnote\footnote{
Below you can find the second example, which restarts from 1 instead of the expected 2:
\ex Second test
\gll Dit is {een andere} test. \\
this is another test \\
\glt `This is another test.'
numbering for the footnote examples, restarted each footnote. See gb4e roman enumeration format for how to do that.