Prenote: I know, that there are already some questions regarding the hyphenation of words containing accented letters with LuaTeX. However, I couldn't find one, that really targets my problem.

Using LuaLaTeX and babel I would like to correct hyphenation patterns using

% !TeX TS-program = lualatex
\hyphenation{пус-тын-ник} %normal version
%%\hyphenation{пус-ты´н-ник} %first try
%%\hyphenation{пус-т\'ын-ник} %second try

\showhyphens{пуст\'{ы}нник пуст\'ынник пусты´нник}
пуст\'{ы}нник пуст\'ынник пусты´нник

I correctly get пус-тын-ник for the "normal version". However, I could not figure out any combination to get an accented ы and the wanted hyphenation пус-ты´н-ник.

While the three alternatives пуст\'{ы}нник, пуст\'ынник and пусты´нник all look the same (at least using my project's font "Newton"), the hyphenation always gives me пу-сты-́н-ник, пу-сты-́н-ник and пу-сты´нник when using the line "first try" or "second try".

How can I get a correct hyphenation?

  • 2
    you have used U+00B4 (the non-combining acute) you (probably?) want U+0301 (the combing acute), ы́ Commented May 17, 2018 at 14:34
  • David, you are complete right. Another Unicode trap I fell into ;-) Using U+301 (which can be easily added within TeXstudio) fixes that. Now I will have to go through all Cyrillic characters with similar problems. Would you like to make your comments an answer?
    – Martin
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 8:58

1 Answer 1


You have used U+00B4 (the non-combining acute) you want instead U+0301 (the combining acute), ы́

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