I simply can't find the flaw in this code:

x_0'^2-x_1'^2 & = {(x_0 - \beta x_1)}^2 \gamma^2 - {(x_1 - \beta x_0)}^2 
\gamma^2  \\
& = \frac{ (x_0^2 - 2 \beta x_1 x_0 + \beta^2 x_1^2) - (x_^2 - 2\beta x_1 
x_0 + \beta^2 x_0^2)}{1-\beta^2 }

It keeps saying ! Missing { inserted. ^ l.227 \end{align} but I can't see where I went wrong. It has nothing to do with my preamble or other things, I have tried to put something else in there. Everything works fine except for when I write that down. Heeeelp.

  • 3
    You have a x_^2 that is causing the error.
    – Troy
    Commented May 20, 2018 at 0:27
  • I think \begin{equation} and \end{equation} are missing.
    – user163412
    Commented May 20, 2018 at 0:31
  • 2
    BTW: You have asked at least 7 questions earlier. Really no one of them is worth your acceptance? Commented May 20, 2018 at 1:15

1 Answer 1


In the place of ? you probably wanted to have an index:



{x_0'}^2-{x_1'}^2 & = {(x_0 - \beta x_1)}^2 \gamma^2 - {(x_1 - \beta x_0)}^2 
\gamma^2  \\
& = \frac{ (x_0^2 - 2 \beta x_1 x_0 + \beta^2 x_1^2) - ({x_{?}}^2 - 2\beta x_1 
x_0 + \beta^2 x_0^2)}{1-\beta^2 }


Please observe also that I have added curly braces around expressions with primes, to explain probable intentions.

  • x_0'^2 is commonly accepted for the square of the derivative.
    – egreg
    Commented May 20, 2018 at 10:03

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