Question 1
I would like to make the edge to the blue nodes longer, I just really want to be able to modify and I tried a billion things from stackexchange (from changing the paperheight to adding level 2 and level3 concept/.append style with all kinds of different level distances and inner sep) but nothing helped:
\definecolor{mypink3}{cmyk}{0, 0.7808, 0.4429, 0.1412}
\definecolor{yel}{rgb}{0.898, 0.6196, 0.14}
\definecolor{blue1}{rgb}{0.11, 0.5, 0.9}
\begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap,every node/.append style={font=\large},
level 1 concept/.append style={level distance=230,sibling angle=30}]
\node [concept, ball color=yel!90!black, inner sep=50] (Central)
{Central}[counterclockwise from=90]
child {node [concept, ball color=mypink3!90!black, inner sep=10]
(Leymebamba) {Leymebamba}
child[grow=75] {node [concept, ball color=blue1!90!black, inner sep=5] (Pacasmayo) {Pacasmayo}}
child[grow=75, clockwise from=45] {node [concept, ball color=blue1!90!black, inner sep=5] (Huari) {Huari}}
child {node [concept, ball color=mypink3!90!black, inner sep=10] (Chancay) {Chancay}
child{node [concept, ball color=blue1!90!black, inner sep=5] (Huacho) {Huacho}}
(Central) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (yel!90!black) to (mypink3!90!black)] (Leymebamba);
(Leymebamba) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mypink3!90!black) to (blue1!90!black)] (Pacasmayo);
(Leymebamba) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (mypink3!90!black) to (blue1!90!black)] (Huari);
(Central) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (yel!90!black) to (mypink3!90!black)] (Chancay);
(Chancay) to[circle connection bar switch color=from
(mypink3!90!black) to (blue1!90!black)] (Huacho);
Which produces this picture:
Thank you!
Question 2
I would like to place 5 more red nodes (are the called level 2?) and I only want to place everything on the left side of the circle, using a mindmap example from this Stackoverflow question , here is basically what I would like it to look like, how do I do that with my mindmap above (tried changing sibling angles, rotation starting point, like "counterclockwise from=90" and nothing works, it keeps going 360 degrees: