I have this code
\usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % showframe
\sisetup{table-format=2.2, group-separator={,}, group-minimum-digits=4}
\caption{\large{Header that includes math like this: $\bm{t(\alpha)}$}}
\parbox{\linewidth}{\small{This table presents some very interesting and very fancy data, which I expect will provide me with at least two Nobel prizes.}\vspace{2ex}}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{}&{Factor 1}&{Factor 2}&{Factor 3}&{Factor 4}&{Factor 5}\\\midrule
Section 1 &11.11 &22.22 &33.33 &44.44 &55.55 &66.66\\\midrule
Section 2\\
Section 2.2 &11.11 &22.22 &33.33 &44.44 &55.55 &66.66\\
Section 2.3 &11.11 &22.22 &33.33 &44.44 &55.55 &66.66\\
Section 2.4 &11.11 &22.22 &33.33 &44.44 &55.55 &66.66\\
which produces this output
My table header is in bold font, so for the tables I have, where math is included, I use the \bm package. However, I just noticed that the math symbol also appears as bold in the table of contents. Is there a way to keep the math symbol in bold font in the table header, but then set it to a normal font in the table of contents?
I have read this question, but the solution seems to only work with the memoir class.
Thanks in advance!
, not*{6}{S}
, in the definition of the columns of thetabular*