I made the following picture using ipe. The picture corresponds to the Moebius tape, well, something related. Anyway, how can I do a better picture with smoother curves? Maybe Tikz, I don't know.
1 Answer
I guess the question is more how to parametrize it. Here is one suggestion.
% \draw[-latex] (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0) node[below]{$x$};
% \draw[-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) node[below]{$y$};
\draw[-] (1,0,-3) -- (1,0,2);
\draw plot[domain=0:{2*pi},samples=100,variable=\x]
-- plot[domain=0:{2*pi},samples=100,variable=\x]
\draw plot[domain=0:{2*pi},samples=100,variable=\x]
\node[circle,fill=black,draw,label=above left:$0_2$] at (1,0,1){};
\node[circle,fill=black,draw,label=above left:$1_2$] at (1,0,-1){};
\node[circle,fill=black,draw,label=above left:base] at (1,0,-2){};
You can play with the parametrization and view angles in order to adjust it.