When you try to compile the following code:
\phi = \psi
The compilation fails with this error message:
! Missing $ inserted.
I know how to fix this. But still, I want to understand what the heck is the compiler trying to do and why it cannot compile this seemingly correct code. I am not asking how to insert a newline in the output file.
By the way, I only tried this using the pdftex compiler. I am not sure if this happens in every compiler.
{ }
...and welcome to the site.%
at the beginning of those desired blank lines. You get the visual look that you seek, without actually introducing a\par
in the environment.\begin...\end
syntax by design makes it clear the extent of the equation but the error is designed to trap the tex primitive syntax where you start the math with$
for display) and then if you forget the closing$
all the spaces in your paragraph go and all the text becomes italic, without this error trap , one mssing$
would make your whole document on one line with no space in math italic