I have 88 pictures in a file. I would like to have a beamer presentation that contains 88 slides with a picture on each slide. The names of the picture files are numbered (1-88). I have made a new counter (pic) and a new command (\folie) that produces a slide with the picture on it, and increases the counter by one. This way, each new slide I produce by \folie has the next picture on it. This is exactly what I want.

How can I get Latex to do the \folie command 88 times in a row, without typing it (or copy pasting it) 88 times? I guess I'm looking for something like \dothecommandthisoften{\folie}{88} or alike.

This is the command in question:


5 Answers 5


With the help of the forloop package, you can define a command, that automatically loops over a counter:




\newcommand{\insertallimages}{\forloop{pic}{1}{\value{pic} < 89}{\begin{frame}


You can use the \foreach command of package pgffor:




\foreach \x in {1,...,88}{%


It has the advantage that you are not restricted to a counter. If you have other images you can include them also in the list:

\foreach \x in {1,...,88,image,graph,whatever}{%

Just let beamer do it for you:


    %asuming you images are called "something-1.png" etc. 
        \multiinclude[<+->][format=png, start=1, end=88, graphics={width=\textwidth}]{something}


You can use the \prg_replicate:nn of expl3.


% uncomment for real thing
%      \includegraphics[scale=.5]{\thepic}



(I was surprised to discover beamer does not use expl3).

If you are on a low-budget you can use small weight xintkernel which provides some utilities among them \xintreplicate.


% uncomment for real thing
%      \includegraphics[scale=.5]{\thepic}



It is basically a clone of LaTeX3's one.


Using \numexpr from the eTeX-extensions one can easily implement a tail-recursive loop.


    \ifnum#1>#2 %
%      Testing tail recursion without frames:
%      Folie #1.\par


\folieloop{1}{4} %from 1 to 4

\folieloop{\numexpr1+3-2}{4}  %from 2 to 4


\folieloop{\numexpr2+5}{\value{mycounter}}  %from 7 to 10

\folieloop{14}{14}  %only 14


In case you don't have eTeX-extensions, expandable incrementing can be implemented:


  %% \UD@increment{<non-negative integeral number k as sequence of
  %%                catcode-12(other)-character-tokens
  %%                from the set 0123456789>}
  %% ->
  %% <non-negative integeral number (k+1) as sequence of
  %%                catcode-12(other)-character-tokens
  %%                from the set 0123456789>
  %% Emptiness is interpreted as "0".
  %% !! There is no check implemented on the argument being a proper
  %%    digit sequence !!
  %% Leading zeros are not removed but the least significant leading zero
  %% may get replaced by a carry-over "1".
  %% Examples:
  %%  \UD@increment{725} -> 726
  %%  \UD@increment{999} -> 1000
  %%  \UD@increment{00999} -> 01000
  %%  \UD@increment{00001} -> 00002
  %%  \UD@increment{0} -> 1
  %%  \UD@increment{} -> 1
  %% The result is delivered after two expansion-steps.
  %% \UD@reverse reverses \relax-delimited list of undelimited arguments.
  %% From each undelimited argument the outermost level of surrounding 
  %% braces will removed if present.
  %% #1 - Tokens to put in front of reversed list.
  %% #2 - Tokens to put behind reversed list.
  %% #3 - list elements collected in reversed order so far.
  %% #4 - Current element of to-be-reversed list.
  %% \UD@incrementfork replaces the leading digit of a \relax-delimited
  %% digit-sequence by the next higher digit. The leading digit that is
  %% to be replaced is #2. #1 contains carryover-zeros in case
  %% \UD@incrementfork is called recursively due to leading digits
  %% being "9"s.
    #2123456789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#11}% <- replace leading digit 0 by 1
    0#223456789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#12}% <- replace leading digit 1 by 2
    01#23456789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#13}% <-  replace leading digit 2 by 3
    012#2456789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#14}% <-  replace leading digit 3 by 4
    0123#256789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#15}% <-  replace leading digit 4 by 5
    01234#26789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#16}% <-  replace leading digit 5 by 6
    012345#2789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#17}% <-  replace leading digit 6 by 7
    0123456#289\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#18}% <-  replace leading digit 7 by 8
    01234567#29\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#19}% <-  replace leading digit 8 by 9
    012345678#2\relax{\UD@incrementfork{#10}}% <- leading digit is 9, so add a carryover-0 and look at the next digit as leading digit.
    0123456789#2{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#11\relax}% <- No more digits left as
                                             %    either all digits were 9, thus as many carry-overs occurred as digits were present,
                                             %    or the digit-sequence was empty and thus considered 0.
    0123456789\relax{\UD@reverse{ }{}{}#11#2}% <- The thing is not a digit. Thus put it back and end.
                                             %    Outermost level of braces surrounding the thing get removed.
                                             %    A better way of handling the situation would be checking whether
                                             %    \UD@increment's argument is a proper digit sequence.
                                             %    But is it worth the efforts?
                                             %    What about spaces within the argument? In case checking
                                             %    is to be implemented by means of undelimited arguments, beware
                                             %    in mind that space-tokens in front of undelimited arguments
                                             %    get silently discarded by (La)TeX. Also need to cope with single digits being nested in braces...
    \ifnum#1>#2 %
%      Testing tail recursion without frames:
%      Folie #1.\par


\folieloop{1}{4} %from 1 to 4

\folieloop{2}{4}  %from 2 to 4


\folieloop{7}{\value{mycounter}}  %from 7 to 10

\folieloop{14}{14}  %only 14


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