Consider the following code (see here for the original code):
hmargin = 2.4cm,
vmargin = 3cm
calbackground/.style = {
leftright skip = 0.15cm,
beforeafter skip = 0pt,
toptitle = 0mm,
bottomtitle = 0mm,
right = 3pt,
left = 3pt,
top = 3pt,
bottom = 3pt,
boxsep = 0pt,
boxrule = 0mm,
sharp corners,
sidebyside gap = 6pt,
lefthand ratio = 0.622,
colback = lightgreyish,
colbacklower = greenish,
colframe = white,
\newtcbtheorem[no counter]{calx}{Calculator}{calbackground}{cax}
on line,
arc = 2pt,
outer arc = 2pt,
boxrule = 0pt,
bottomrule = 0.15mm,
rightrule = 0.2mm,
boxsep = 0pt,
left = 0pt,
right = 0pt,
top = 1pt,
bottom = 1pt,
interior style = {
top color = blackish,
bottom color = blackened
colframe = greyish,
width = 2.5em,
tcbox width = forced center,
equal height group = K,
valign = center,
fontupper = \footnotesize\sffamily,
coltext = orangeish,
before upper = \vrule width 0pt height 2ex depth 1ex\relax,
on line,
arc = 2pt, outer arc = 2pt,
boxrule = 0pt,
bottomrule = 0.15mm,
rightrule = 0.2mm,
boxsep = 0pt,
left = 0pt,
right = 0pt,
top = 1pt,
bottom = 1pt,
interior style = {
top color = blackish,
bottom color = blackened
colframe = greyish,
width = 2.5em,
tcbox width = forced center,
equal height group = K,
valign = center,
fontupper = \footnotesize\sffamily,
coltext = whiteish,
before upper = \vrule width 0pt height 2ex depth 1ex\relax,
\textLCD[0]{18}| -2|
How do I raise the minus signs in both lines in the green box by a couple of ex
or thereabout?
so that you can just use\resizebox{LENGTH}{!}{-}
oder something similar to it … ?\lstset
(it isescapeinside={CHAR1}{CHAR1}
), but not how intcolorbox