Consider the following code (see here for the original code):


  hmargin = 2.4cm,
  vmargin = 3cm


  calbackground/.style = {
    leftright skip = 0.15cm,
    beforeafter skip = 0pt,
    toptitle = 0mm,
    bottomtitle = 0mm,
    right = 3pt,
    left = 3pt,
    top = 3pt,
    bottom = 3pt,
    boxsep = 0pt,
    boxrule = 0mm,
    sharp corners,
    sidebyside gap = 6pt,
    lefthand ratio = 0.622,
    colback = lightgreyish,
    colbacklower = greenish,
    colframe = white,

\newtcbtheorem[no counter]{calx}{Calculator}{calbackground}{cax}

  on line,
  arc = 2pt,
  outer arc = 2pt,
  boxrule = 0pt,
  bottomrule = 0.15mm,
  rightrule = 0.2mm,
  boxsep = 0pt,
  left = 0pt,
  right = 0pt,
  top = 1pt,
  bottom = 1pt,
  interior style = {
    top color = blackish,
    bottom color = blackened
  colframe = greyish,
  width = 2.5em,
  tcbox width = forced center,
  equal height group = K,
  valign = center,
  fontupper = \footnotesize\sffamily,
  coltext = orangeish,
  before upper = \vrule width 0pt height 2ex depth 1ex\relax,

  on line,
  arc = 2pt, outer arc = 2pt,
  boxrule = 0pt,
  bottomrule = 0.15mm,
  rightrule = 0.2mm,
  boxsep = 0pt,
  left = 0pt,
  right = 0pt,
  top = 1pt,
  bottom = 1pt,
  interior style = {
    top color = blackish,
    bottom color = blackened
  colframe = greyish,
  width = 2.5em,
  tcbox width = forced center,
  equal height group = K,
  valign = center,
  fontupper = \footnotesize\sffamily,
  coltext = whiteish,
  before upper = \vrule width 0pt height 2ex depth 1ex\relax,





   \textLCD[0]{18}|                 -2|



How do I raise the minus signs in both lines in the green box by a couple of ex or thereabout?

  • Maybe you could actually define a escape-command so that you can just use \resizebox{LENGTH}{!}{-} oder something similar to it … ?
    – user165228
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:46
  • @NikolaDjordjevic How can I do that? A fully MWE would be nice. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:48
  • I just know how to escape commands in \lstset (it is escapeinside={CHAR1}{CHAR1}), but not how in tcolorbox
    – user165228
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:53

1 Answer 1


You can define a raised minus sign with


(which raises the minus by one pixel) and use it like this


Or, if you want the minus sign to be always raised, you can just redefine it with


and use it normally (\textLCD[0]{19}|-8+6|). In both cases the result is

enter image description here

The code:


  hmargin = 2.4cm,
  vmargin = 3cm


  calbackground/.style = {
    leftright skip = 0.15cm,
    beforeafter skip = 0pt,
    toptitle = 0mm,
    bottomtitle = 0mm,
    right = 3pt,
    left = 3pt,
    top = 3pt,
    bottom = 3pt,
    boxsep = 0pt,
    boxrule = 0mm,
    sharp corners,
    sidebyside gap = 6pt,
    lefthand ratio = 0.622,
    colback = lightgreyish,
    colbacklower = greenish,
    colframe = white,

\newtcbtheorem[no counter]{calx}{Calculator}{calbackground}{cax}

  on line,
  arc = 2pt,
  outer arc = 2pt,
  boxrule = 0pt,
  bottomrule = 0.15mm,
  rightrule = 0.2mm,
  boxsep = 0pt,
  left = 0pt,
  right = 0pt,
  top = 1pt,
  bottom = 1pt,
  interior style = {
    top color = blackish,
    bottom color = blackened
  colframe = greyish,
  width = 2.5em,
  tcbox width = forced center,
  equal height group = K,
  valign = center,
  fontupper = \footnotesize\sffamily,
  coltext = orangeish,
  before upper = \vrule width 0pt height 2ex depth 1ex\relax,

  on line,
  arc = 2pt, outer arc = 2pt,
  boxrule = 0pt,
  bottomrule = 0.15mm,
  rightrule = 0.2mm,
  boxsep = 0pt,
  left = 0pt,
  right = 0pt,
  top = 1pt,
  bottom = 1pt,
  interior style = {
    top color = blackish,
    bottom color = blackened
  colframe = greyish,
  width = 2.5em,
  tcbox width = forced center,
  equal height group = K,
  valign = center,
  fontupper = \footnotesize\sffamily,
  coltext = whiteish,
  before upper = \vrule width 0pt height 2ex depth 1ex\relax,

  % raised minus
  % alternative: redefine the minus sign




   \textLCD[0]{18}|                 {rm}2|



With \DefineLCDchar the pixels in the 5x7 matrix are set. A 0 is "pixel off" and a 1 is "pixel on". The pixels are given from left to right and top to bottom. The picture from the manual shows this:

enter image description here


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