I am trying to add spaces between paragraphs when I start a new section of my document. \vskip and \bigbreak didn't add empty lines inside Parcolumns. Is there a proper way of doing this?
I am using this Overleaf [template][1].
I finally worked out the right way of doing this, helped by @maïeul, the maintainer of (r)(e)ledmac/(r)(e)ledpar LaTeX packages. The compilation problem happened because I needed to have a mirror of the left column on the right, with matching sections on both sides. For instance, when I added a new left section, I forgot to add a corresponding right section so LateX could compile the document correctly.
I have updated the FULL MWE below.
\lhead{My name}
\rhead{page \thepage}
\cfoot{some text}
\date{(taken from the reledmac documentation)}
\title{Setting Parallel Texts with reledpar}
This file provides two minimal examples of typesetting parallel texts with reledmac plus reledpar.
The first minimal example is parallel typesetting in columns, the second one is parallel typesetting in pages.
Left side paragraph. Left side paragraph. Left side paragraph. Left side paragraph.
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{First Left Section title}]
Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph.
Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph.
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{Second Left Section title}]
Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph.
Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{Third Left Section title}]
Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph.
Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph.
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{Fourth Left Section title}]
Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph. Other left side paragraph.
Right side paragraph. Right side paragraph. Right side paragraph. Right side paragraph.
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{First Right Section title}]
Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph.
Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph.
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{Second Right Section title}]
Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph.
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{Third Right Section title}]
Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph.
Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph.
\pstart[\vskip\baselineskip\section{Fourth Right Section title}]
Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph. Other right side paragraph.
and ending with\end{document}
. that will leave an actual (empty) line, which will, unfortunately, be counted and numbered.