I want to mention a theorem from a paper. I am using the \cite reference style. I used the following code(WinEdt Latex):
We have following lemma $\cite{singh1}$ to find $**************************$.
And it is showing in following manner:
I want the Lemma to start as:
Lemma 1.2 [XYZ, 17]
How to write in this format?
My tex code and output:
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
\titleformat*{\section}{\large\bfseries}% change font of section headings
\usepackage{lipsum} % for filler text
\par\topsep6pt plus6pt
\item[\hskip\labelsep\it Proof.]\ignorespaces}
\def\enddemo{\qed \endtrivlist}
\expandafter\let\csname enddemo*\endcsname=\enddemo
\newcommand{\R} {\mbox {$ I\!\!R $}}
\lfoot{\footnotesize Date : {\ddmmyyyydate\today}}
\rfoot{ \footnotesize \thepage}
\title{Title of The Paper}
The content of the abstract.
$~~${\bf Keywords}:
\noindent Also, we have following lemma \cite{singh1} to .............
\begin{Lemma} \label{distconormal} \cite{singh1} Lemma Statement
\bibitem{singh1} P. Singh , Article Title, Journal name.
...) and citations (cite
, ...). Please show us an MWE/MWEB.\cite
in math mode in your exampleWe have following lemma \cite{singh1} to
works just as well.{}
button. Please do not mark it as a quote, that makes it much harder to read (and quite hard to salvage in an edit). Since your MWE shows that you do not usebiblatex
I have removed that tag.epsfig
). Macros for\begin{...}
and friends are also not recommended andeqnarray
should be avoided.\newcommand{\R} {\mbox {$ I\!\!R $}}
looks quite hacky to me, I normally use\mathbb{R}
, but that's probably a matter of taste.