My (hopefully) last problem until I get that presentation layout done:
It's all looking great apart from the fact that my column-environment missed the memo that there's something above it and that it doesn't have as much space (without the tikz picture), it centres everything perfectly on the slide, but now it's assuming it got the already occupied space above as well.
I have tried the past hour, and a tabular environment and a minipage environment fails as well at this task. One option is to tell itemize to start at the top and hard code the image, but that's not my preferred option.
%\sisetup {
%locale = DE,
%per-mode = symbol
\setbeamertemplate{sections/subsections in toc}[square]
\date{02. Juli 2018}
\usetikzlibrary{chains, positioning, shapes.symbols}
\tikzset{start/.style = {signal, draw=#1, fill=#1!30,
text width=23mm, text=black, minimum height=23mm, font=\tiny, text depth=20mm,text height=5mm,
signal pointer angle=150, on chain},
cont/.style = {start=#1, signal from=west, text=black}
\frametitle{Wilhelm Schick}
node distance = 2mm,
start chain = going right,
%start/.style = {signal, draw=[1]{#1}, fill=[1]{#1}!30,
% text width=23mm, minimum height=23mm, font=\tiny,
% signal pointer angle=150, on chain},
%cont/.style = {start=[1]{#1}, signal from=west}
\node[start=darkred!80!black] {\bfseries
\node[cont=gray!60!white] {\bfseries
\node[cont=gray!60!white] {\bfseries
\node[cont=gray!60!white] {\bfseries
\item Ortsgruppenamtsleiter der NSDAP
\item Kreisabschnittsverwalter des NSLB
\item Bef\"{o}rderung zum Rektor des Goethe-Gymnasiums
, the image could fit onto the remaining part of the slide. The text will be vertically centered with respect to the image and thus also fit. You could then also make the image column narrower and the text column wider.\begin{columns}[T]
referred to the actual text height within the container/environment. This can't be though, because it just flows out of the boundary of the column (or the column boundaries aren't adjusted to the actual bottom of the slide)\textheight
is the space between the headline and the footline. It does not take into account the frametitle nor other elements on the frame like your tikz diagram.