I am having a problem with the normal math fonts which is not appearing as italic.

abc&&\mathit{abc} \\% problem here: non-mathit (abc) not italic!!!!

enter image description here

I want to use \RequirePackage[math-style=literal]{unicode-math} to get all variants of the Greek characters (for example: \upPhi, \Phi, \mathbf{\upPhi}, \mathbf{\Phi}) appear right.

There is also a problem with mathalfa package in which some of the fonts are not appearing properly. My torture file (MWE) is given below.





    \def\alphabets{a\ {quick}\ {brown}\ {fox}\ {jumps}\ {over}\ {the}\ {lazy}\ {dog.}}
    \def\Alphabets{A\ {QUICK}\ {BROWN}\ {FOX}\ {JUMPS}\ {OVER}\ {THE}\ {LAZY}\ {DOG.}}
       \ensuremath{\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname{\xx}}\xspace%
       \ensuremath{\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname{\xx}}\xspace%
       \ensuremath{\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname{\xx}}\xspace%
       \ensuremath{\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname{\xx}}\xspace%


    \underline{Testing Greek characters.}\\
    Upright &\ensuremath{\upPhi}\\
    Italic &\ensuremath{\Phi}\\
    Bold Upright &\ensuremath{\mathbf{\upPhi}}\\
    Bold Italic & \ensuremath{\mathbf{\Phi}}\\

    \mbox{text}&&\text{text}\ \mathrm{text}\\% upright text
    abc&&\mathit{abc} \\% problem here: non-mathit not working!!!!
    mathbb \test[mathbb]\\
    mathbbb \test[mathbbb]\\
    mathcal \test[mathcal]\\
    mathbcal \test[mathbcal]\\
    mathfrak \test[mathfrak]\\
    mathbfrak \test[mathbfrak]\\
    mathscr \test[mathscr]\\
    mathbscr \test[mathbscr]\\
    mathrm \test[mathrm]\\
    mathit \test[mathit]\\
    mathbf \test[mathbf]\\
    mathbfit \test[mathbfit]\\
    mathsf \test[mathsf]\\
    mathsfit \test[mathsfit]\\
    mathbfsf \test[mathbfsf]\\
    mathtt \test[mathtt]\\
    %mathttit \test[mathttit]\\
    %mathbftt \test[mathbftt]


Could someone help me in sorting normal alphabets to italic without breaking the Greek characters?

Note: I am using xelatex on TL2015.

  • Please post a minimal example. Jul 2, 2018 at 6:02
  • @HenriMenke, MWE is there.
    – Jagath
    Jul 2, 2018 at 6:44
  • Yes, an example is there but it's far from minimal. Jul 2, 2018 at 6:46
  • 2
    Do you know about the \symbf and \symup and \symit (etc.) commands? You don't need math-style=literal to get both upright and italic greek unless you want to use unicode glyphs. Jul 2, 2018 at 7:10
  • 5
    mathspec and unicode-math are not compatible; not to speak about mathalfa.
    – egreg
    Jul 2, 2018 at 8:36

1 Answer 1


I'm not absolutely certain what you're asking, especially because your example is not compilable nor does it make a lot of sense. unicode-math doesn't work with mathspec or mathalfa. All those packages are mutually exclusive.

That said, I think what you want to achieve can already be done in the default settings of unicode-math.

$abc, \mathit{abc}$

$\Phi, \symit{\Phi}, \symup{\Phi}, \symbf{\Phi}, \symbfit{\Phi}$

enter image description here

  • How can we make the bold italic version of Greek?
    – Jagath
    Jul 2, 2018 at 9:38
  • Got it! \symbfit{\Phi} will do that. Please update the answer. I will accept that. The problem is that my TL version is 2015 and these features are only available after that.
    – Jagath
    Jul 2, 2018 at 9:41
  • @Jagath I've added \symbfit{\Phi}. Jul 2, 2018 at 9:58

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