I am trying to align this set of equations at two places. Essentially, I want all the equals/neq signs to be aligned.

enter image description here

I am aware of the alignat environment which allows you to align an equation at multiple points. However, this doesn't seem to work as I have \begin{cases} within my equation (cases requires a \\ which appears to be confusing alignat?)

When I try use \begin{alignat}{2}

enter image description here




\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{M} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)} 
               0, \quad n \neq m\\
               1, \quad n = m
\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{K} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)}                                  
               0, \quad n \neq m\\
               \omega_n^2, \quad n = m.

\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{M} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)} 
               0, \quad n &&\neq m\\
               1, \quad n &&= m
\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{K} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)}                                  
               0, \quad n &&\neq m\\
               \omega_n^2, \quad n &&= m.


2 Answers 2


Using \shortintertext is OK, but in order to align the conditions, you need some more work.



\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{M} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)} 
  \mathmakebox[\widthof{$\omega_n^2,$}][l]{0,} & n \neq m,\\
  \mathmakebox[\widthof{$\omega_n^2,$}][l]{1,} & n = m,
\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{K} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)}                                  
  \mathmakebox[\widthof{$\omega_n^2,$}][l]{0,} & n \neq m,\\
  \omega_n^2, & n = m.


enter image description here

A different implementation with eqparbox: the defined command \matheqbox takes two arguments, the first is an arbitrary label for the internal workings. Different alignments need different labels.




\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{M} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)} 
  \matheqbox{A}{0,} & n \neq m,\\
  \matheqbox{A}{1,} & n = m,
\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{K} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)}                                  
  \matheqbox{A}{0,} & n \neq m,\\
  \matheqbox{A}{\omega_n^2}, & n = m.

  • isn't it easier with eqparbox and why isn't there a mathaware version of eqparbox?
    – daleif
    Jul 4, 2018 at 10:45
  • @daleif I was just writing it
    – egreg
    Jul 4, 2018 at 10:47
  • I was faster ;-), I thought I'd seen a math aware version of eqparbox but probably remembered wrong, would be nice to have a version where we don't need the $...$
    – daleif
    Jul 4, 2018 at 10:48
  • The \matheqbox probably ought to be made with xparse such that one could also access the second optional arg of \eqmakebox, but that is just details.
    – daleif
    Jul 4, 2018 at 11:07

Here is a solution using eqparbox and align

The good thing with eqparbox is that it keeps track of the widest entry automatically at the cost of having to compile a few times. The W is the unique name for this box set.

Just remember that the contents inside \eqparbox is text, so we need the $...$.

Or use egregs \matheqbox addition in his answer


\bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{M} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)} 
               \eqmakebox[W][l]{$0$,} & n \neq m\\
               \eqmakebox[W][l]{$1$,} & n = m
            \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(n)\intercal} \mathbf{K} \bm{\tilde{A}}^{(m)}                                  
              \eqmakebox[W][l]{$0$,} & n \neq m\\
              \eqmakebox[W][l]{$\omega_n^2$,}& n = m.


enter image description here

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