I would like to generate a figure containing points within a cube of dimension 2x2x2. Inside this cube, is a sphere of diameter 2 (both centered on the origin). In this cube, I will draw several points: some of them inside the sphere (in a given color, say orange) and some outside the sphere (in white). I initially thought of using tikz, see the mwe:
% ==========================
% parameters definition:
% ==========================
% colour of the cube
% colour of the sphere
% colour of the points outside the sphere
% colour of the points inside the sphere
% sphere radius
% grid resolution
% grid colour
% automated adjustment of the point colour depending on its position with respect to the sphere
\ecart = \difference pt
\node[draw=black!75,shape=circle,fill=couleurext,minimum size=1.5mm,line width=0mm,inner sep=0] (x) at (#1,#2,#3) {};}{
\node[draw=black!75,shape=circle,fill=couleurint,minimum size=1.5mm,line width=0mm,inner sep=0] (x) at (#1,#2,#3) {};}}
% graphique
\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={ultra thick,draw=none, top color=white, bottom color=white},scale=2]
% tracé du cube en 3D
\begin{scope}[every path/.style={thick}]
\node(C) at (0,0,0) {};
% arêtes du cube derrière la sphère
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (-1,-1,-1) -- (1,-1,-1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (1,-1,-1) -- (1,1,-1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (1,-1,-1) -- (1,-1,1);
% background grid
\foreach \x in {1,...,\resolution}
\draw[couleurgrille,thin] (-1+\x*2/\resolution,-1,-1) -- (-1+\x*2/\resolution,1,-1);
\draw[couleurgrille,thin] (-1,-1+\x*2/\resolution,-1) -- (1,-1+\x*2/\resolution,-1);
\draw[couleurgrille,thin] (-1+\x*2/\resolution,-1,-1) -- (-1+\x*2/\resolution,-1,1);
\draw[couleurgrille,thin] (-1,-1,-1+\x*2/\resolution) -- (1,-1,-1+\x*2/\resolution);
\draw[couleurgrille,thin] (1,-1,-1+\x*2/\resolution) -- (1,1,-1+\x*2/\resolution);
\draw[couleurgrille,thin] (1,-1+\x*2/\resolution,-1) -- (1,-1+\x*2/\resolution,1);
% sphere
\filldraw[ball color=couleursphere,draw=none,opacity=0.55] (0,0) circle (\rayonsphere);
% 3D cube
\begin{scope}[every path/.style={thick}]
\node(C) at (0,0,0) {};
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (1,1,-1) -- (-1,1,-1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (-1,1,-1) -- (-1,-1,-1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (-1,-1,-1) -- (-1,-1,1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (1,1,-1) -- (1,1,1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (-1,1,-1) -- (-1,1,1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (-1,-1,1) -- (1,-1,1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (1,-1,1) -- (1,1,1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (1,1,1) -- (-1,1,1);
\draw[couleurcube,thick] (-1,1,1) -- (-1,-1,1);
% axes
\draw[black,very thick] (-1,-1,-1) -- (-1,-1,1) node[midway,below=0.5cm] {$\xi_1$};
\draw[black,very thick] (-1,-1,1) -- (1,-1,1) node[midway,below=0.5cm] {$\xi_2$};
\draw[black,very thick] (1,-1,1) -- (1,1,1) node[midway,right=0.5cm] {$\xi_3$};
\node[below=0.25cm,left] at (-1,-1,-1) {-1};
\node[below=0.25cm,left] at (-1,-1,1) {1};
\node[below=0.25cm,right] at (-1,-1,1) {-1};
\node[below=0.25cm,right] at (1,-1,1) {1};
\node[right=0.15cm] at (1,-1,1) {-1};
\node[right=0.15cm] at (1,1,1) {1};
% points
This gives:
I am fairly unhappy with the result for two reasons: (1) tikz does not allow for a proper 3D view and, most importantly, I do not like the fact that all the data points seem to be "over" the sphere... So I tried to use pstricks with the following (partial since the automated function for points color is not yet implemented) mwe:
\ecart = \difference pt
\node[draw,shape=circle,fill=white,minimum size=1.5mm,line width=0mm,inner sep=0] (x) at (#1,#2,#3) {};% {\somme / \rayon / \difference};}{
\node[draw,shape=circle,fill=red,minimum size=1.5mm,line width=0mm,inner sep=0] (x) at (#1,#2,#3) {};% {\somme / \rayon / \difference};}}
\psset{viewpoint=30 40 20 rtp2xyz,Decran=56}
\psSolid[object=cube,a=2,opacity=0.2,action=draw*]% ,fillcolor=blue
\psSolid[object=sphere,r=1,linewidth=0.1pt,ngrid=50 50,fillcolor=red,opacity=0.1,action=draw*]%
which gives me:
I like the 3D view much better but, here again, I do not know how to draw points inside or outside the sphere...
but you can also use[x={(1,0}... etc. ...]
to set the view without any additional packages. And in order to have the points inside the sphere, you may simply draw them before the sphere.