If I have only one address and author count is 2, and the 2 second is the corresponding author that time corresponding indication is showing wrongly for the 1st author bmcart.cls



    \title{A sample article title}

       addressref={aff1},                   % id's of addresses, e.g. {aff1,aff2}
       noteref={n1},                        % id's of article notes, if any
       email={[email protected]}   % email address
    ]{\inits{JE}\fnm{Jane E} \snm{Doe}}
       corref={aff1},                       % id of corresponding address, if any
       email={[email protected]}
    ]{\inits{JRS}\fnm{John RS} \snm{Smith}}

    \address[id=aff1]{%                           % unique id
      \orgname{Department of Zoology, Cambridge}, % university, etc
      \street{Waterloo Road},                     %
      %\postcode{}                                % post or zip code
      \city{London},                              % city
      \cny{UK}                                    % country
    \note[id=n1]{Equal contributor} 



    \begin{abstract} % abstract
    \parttitle{First part title} %if any
    Text for this section.

    \parttitle{Second part title} %if any
    Text for this section.


    %\end{fmbox}% uncomment this for twcolumn layout



    \section*{Competing interests}
      The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

    \section*{Author's contributions}
        Text for this section \ldots

      Text for this section \ldots
  • This looks like a bug in the BMC template. The bug doesn't seem to occur however when you do not provide an email address for the first author, I'm not sure if the email address is required somewhere else but otherwise that may be a workaround. I noticed that you have already added an issue on Github, maybe it would be useful to add your MWE to that issue as well? Note that you don't need the bibliography part or the defs and localdefs part, which look a bit strange anyway.
    – Marijn
    Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 11:06


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