I am trying to align the equations, but the alignment has done something wrong to the spacing. The equation in the first line has moved to the right.

Asymptotic equation of Motion
\mathcal{L}_n (\nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) &=& n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\alpha} ( 
\nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) + \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu} \nabla_{\mu} n^{\alpha} + 
\nabla_{\mu} n_{\alpha} \nabla_{\nu} n^{\alpha} \\
&=& n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\alpha} ( \nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) - n^{\alpha} 
\nabla_{\mu} ( \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu}) + n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\mu} ( 
\nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu}) + \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu} \nabla_{\mu} n^{\alpha} + 
\nabla_{\mu} n_{\alpha} \nabla_{\nu} n^{\alpha} 

These gives the following result enter image description here

How do I make it appropriate? Also I want to label the second equation as number 1 but not the first line. How to do that?

2 Answers 2


In align you use &=, not &=& like in eqnarray. For the numbering, change align* to align and add \nonumber to the end of the first line.

enter image description here

Asymptotic equation of Motion
\mathcal{L}_n (\nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) &= n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\alpha} ( 
\nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) + \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu} \nabla_{\mu} n^{\alpha} + 
\nabla_{\mu} n_{\alpha} \nabla_{\nu} n^{\alpha} \nonumber \\ % <----  add \nonumber here
&= n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\alpha} ( \nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) - n^{\alpha} 
\nabla_{\mu} ( \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu}) + n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\mu} ( 
\nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu}) + \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu} \nabla_{\mu} n^{\alpha} + 
\nabla_{\mu} n_{\alpha} \nabla_{\nu} n^{\alpha} 

For a single equation, the choice should be split inside equation:



Asymptotic equation of Motion
\mathcal{L}_n (\nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) 
&= n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\alpha} ( \nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) 
   + \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu} \nabla_{\mu} n^{\alpha}   
   + \nabla_{\mu} n_{\alpha} \nabla_{\nu} n^{\alpha}
&= n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\alpha} ( \nabla_{\mu} n_{\nu}) 
   - n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\mu} ( \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu}) 
   + n^{\alpha} \nabla_{\mu} ( \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu}) 
   + \nabla_{\alpha} n_{\nu} \nabla_{\mu} n^{\alpha}  
   + \nabla_{\mu} n_{\alpha} \nabla_{\nu} n^{\alpha}


enter image description here

If you prefer the number to be at the bottom, this should be a global decision, that can be accomplished by calling amsmath with the tbtags option:


With this single change, the output would become

enter image description here

Note that amsmath alignment environments use &= (not &=&). I removed the letterpaper option, that does nothing and might be a bit unclear.

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