I need your help for this problem. Since a year ago, I'm using LaTeX for wirite a math handbook. From them until now, I've had a few problems but with this forum i have solve them. But now, I can't solve my lastest problem.

Recently, I bought a new computer and I reinstalled the lastest MiKTeX full installation and TexMaker. And when I added new code and I've compiled for my handbook, I obtained the next unpleasant result.

The Result https://i.sstatic.net/grDAo.jpg

The code compilated are the following:

\end{pmatrix}$&La dimensión de una matriz cuadrada es, por tanto, $n\times n$. 
Sin embargo, es mucho más usual decir que una matriz cuadrada \textbf{es de orden $n$}.
Por ejemplo, la matriz $\bf C$ es de orden $n$ (${\bf C}\in\mathbb{M}_{\,n\times n\,}$)
y la matriz $\bf D$ es de orden $4$ (${\bf D}\in\mathbb{M}_{\,4\times 4\,}$).
Dentro de este tipo de matrices cabe destacar dos elementos
\underline{exclusivos de las matrices cuadradas}: las \textbf{diagonales}.\\

As you can see, the text and the mathematical environment (the matrix) are not aligned and not centered, too. Which is what I want to achieve.

Also, this problem happens to me when I changed the computer: with my old notebook, the matrix and the text are perfectly aligned. The result was similar to the following:

The Correct Result https://i.sstatic.net/uoQ8t.jpg

This I have achieved with the following code:

\end{pmatrix}$&La dimensión de una matriz cuadrada es, por tanto, $n\times n$. 
Sin embargo, es mucho más usual decir que una matriz cuadrada \textbf{es de orden $n$}.
Por ejemplo, la matriz $\bf C$ es de orden $n$ (${\bf C}\in\mathbb{M}_{\,n\times n\,}$)
y la matriz $\bf D$ es de orden $4$ (${\bf D}\in\mathbb{M}_{\,4\times 4\,}$).
Dentro de este tipo de matrices cabe destacar dos elementos
\underline{exclusivos de las matrices cuadradas}: las \textbf{diagonales}.\\

But the text overflows from the page. Is there any order, command or package to adjust the m type column to the end the page and avoid the overflow?

Thanks! And sorry for my horrific english!

  • Where are the results?
    – albert
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 16:12
  • Sorry! I cant upload the peictures. I'm modifying the post. Wait a moment, please. Thanks!
    – user167186
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 16:16

1 Answer 1


i would not use tabu ... after recent changes in the package array is has one "bug" more: columns of the type m doesn't work anymore as expected.

better is used `tabularx:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!

\begin{tabularx}{ \linewidth}{@{}
            a_{11}  & a_{12}    &\cdots & a_{1n}\\
            a_{21}  & a_{22}    &\cdots & a_{2n}\\
            \vdots  & \vdots    &\ddots & \vdots\\
            a_{n1}  & a_{n2}    &\cdots & a_{nn}\\
    & La dimensión de una matriz cuadrada es, por tanto, $n\times n$.
Sin embargo, es mucho más usual decir que una matriz cuadrada \textbf{es de orden $n$}.
Por ejemplo, la matriz $\mathbf{C}$ es de orden $n$ ($\mathbf{C}\in\mathbb{M}_{\,n\times n\,}$)
y la matriz $\mathbf{D}$ es de orden $4$ ($\mathbf{D}\in\mathbb{M}_{\,4\times 4\,}$).
Dentro de este tipo de matrices cabe destacar dos elementos
\underline{exclusivos de las matrices cuadradas}: las \textbf{diagonales}.\\

enter image description here

(red lines indicate text border)

  • The problem is the package array: it has been updated and it has completely changed my layout. Someone knows where I can obtain the old version of array pakcage? The original code it was less cumbersome. But, thank you very much @Zarko for your solution! I will definitely choose your code.
    – user167186
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 17:32
  • @DavidGordo98, yes, this is problem. about his has been recently discusion here. search tabu tags. as i remember you need to load array with option containing date of old array. since i mostly discourage people to use non maintained packages, i don't remember more :-(.
    – Zarko
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 18:17
  • Yes, I've found the array-2016-10-06 package. But... I have a lot of compilation errors, i don't know why. :-(
    – user167186
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 18:21
  • @DavidGordo98, it seems that you should change all your tabu tables to tabularx or ltablex ones :-). i worth to send a letter with ask to package author if he is willing to make (just this) fix for the package. it is worth to try.
    – Zarko
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 18:55
  • Oh! Good idea! Thank you! But, finally, when the package array-2016-10-6 AND new package multicol-2017-04-11, everything works like before.
    – user167186
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 18:58

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