This is a follow-up question to Figure with table (using tikz with library matrix).
Although I received a great answer and good feedbacks for my previous question (see above link), I am having a hard time making some changes to it; such as removing one row and one column in the figure while adjusting the position of labels and the external texts (with the brackets).
After trying several times, I decided to ask for help here.
My code is below [with the last lines of the code commented, because that's the part I am not getting right]:
\caption{Levels of Policy Monitoring}
node distance = 1mm and 3mm,
BC/.style = {decorate,
decoration={calligraphic brace, amplitude=3mm,
raise=#1, mirror}, thick, pen colour={gray}},
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,
nodes={draw, minimum size=25mm, outer sep=0pt},
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
colum 1/.style={font=\bfseries},
row 1/.style={font=\bfseries},
CB/.style = {fill=black!80, text=white},
CG/.style = {fill=gray},
CS/.style = {fill=gray!50},
{ & {\makecell{President's \\ Party}} & {\makecell{Party A}} \\
{\textbf{\makecell{President's \\ Party}}} & |[CS]| {\makecell{Within \\ Cabinet \\ Party}} & {\makecell{Among \\ Cabinet \\ Parties}} \\
{ \textbf{\makecell{Party A}}} & {\makecell{Among \\ Cabinet \\ Parties}} & |[CS]| {\makecell{Within \\ Cabinet \\ Party}} \\
{\textbf{\makecell{Party C}}} & {\makecell{From \\ Opposition \\ Party}} & {\makecell{From \\ Opposition \\ Party}} \\
%\node[above=of m-1-3] {\textbf{Answering}};
%\node[left =of m-3-1, rotate=90] {\textbf{Questioning}};
%\draw[BC= 2mm, rotate=180] (m-4-4.south east) -- node[below= -10mm, sloped] {Cabinet Members} (m-1-4.north east);
%\draw[BC=11mm, rotate=180] (m-5-4.south east) -- node[below=-19mm, sloped] {Legislative Parties} (m-1-4.north east);