I'd like to draw a picture like the following with chemfig
How can I draw the red arcs (e.g. in H-O) and the red line (e.g. in C=C ).
I startet already:
\setbondstyle{line width=1pt}
\setlewis{}{}{line width=1pt}
\chemmove{\draw[thick,green,-] ([shift=(65:15pt)]a1) arc (65:115:17pt);}
\chemmove{\draw[thick,green,-] ([shift=(155:15pt)]a1) arc (155:205:17pt);}
\chemmove{\draw[thick,green,-] ([shift=(245:15pt)]a1) arc (245:295:17pt);}
\chemmove{\draw[thick,green,-] ([shift=(-25:15pt)]a2) arc (-25:25:17pt);}
\chemmove{\draw[thick,green,-] ([shift=(65:15pt)]a2) arc (65:115:17pt);}
\chemmove{\draw[thick,green,-] ([shift=(245:15pt)]a2) arc (245:295:17pt);}
How can I split the C-C bond homgenous, which means to draw a line perpendicular to the bond, like this C-|-C
Besides: I not confident with my solution: If I change the „setatomsep“ I have to adjust all values in the chemmove-commands. Is there a more elegant solution?