This is a nice figure from a database-related paper:

enter image description here

How does one go about "plotting" this figure environment? Essentially, one the left I want to put some SQL query, and on the right I potentially want to put two "blocks" of stuff (in the figure, the right is only one block of stuff".

Thanks in advance for any help!

  • 1
    What do you have? This is not your first post - where's your MWE?
    – cfr
    Commented Jul 29, 2018 at 23:13
  • The usual approach is to use minipages, one for each image/thingy. Commented Jul 29, 2018 at 23:24

1 Answer 1


From my understanding of your post, it seems you may want 3 sections split across the page? Here is a MWE using minipages, listings and tikz. You can of course adjust the width of each minipage as necessary.

enter image description here

\usepackage{graphicx} % <--- For including graphics
\usepackage{listings} % <--- For typesetting verbatim code 
\usepackage{tikz}     % <--- For drawing the diagram


select *
from R, (select S.D,
   sum(1-S.B) as E,
  from S group by S.D) T
where R.Z=T.E and R.B=3
                \begin{tikzpicture}[ultra thick,inner sep=1pt]
                    \node (S) at (0,0) {$S$};
                    \node (G) at (0,1)  {$\Gamma_{D,aggs}$};
                    \node (B) at (2,1) {$\sigma_{B=3}$};
                    \node (R) at (2,0) {$R$};
                    \node (X) at (1,2) {$X$};
                    \draw (S)--(G) (R)--(B) (G)--(X) (B)--(X);
    \caption{caption goes here}


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