I recently upgraded to TeXLive 2018 (and pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX)) and now I notice that package fnpct generates the following warnings:
* LaTeX warning: "kernel/deprecated-variant"
* Variant form 'V' deprecated for base form '\peek_meaning_remove:NTF'. One
* should not change an argument from type 'N' to type 'V': base form only
* accepts a single token argument.
* LaTeX warning: "kernel/deprecated-variant"
* Variant form 'V' deprecated for base form '\token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF'. One
* should not change an argument from type 'N' to type 'V': base form only
* accepts a single token argument.
Are they harmless? Should I report this to the author of fnpct?
Minor update
As of a recent (2018-12-10) update to TeXLive 2018 these warnings have changed to the following:
LaTeX3 Warning: Variant form 'V' deprecated for base form
(LaTeX3) '\peek_meaning_remove:NTF'. One should not change an argument
(LaTeX3) from type 'N' to type 'V': base form only accepts a single
(LaTeX3) token argument.
LaTeX3 Warning: Variant form 'V' deprecated for base form
(LaTeX3) '\token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF'. One should not change an argument
(LaTeX3) from type 'N' to type 'V': base form only accepts a single
(LaTeX3) token argument.
I suspect it does not change the accepted answer, though.