I would like to insert a cmidrule when I have an empty line in a table produced by the datatool package and also use \bottomrule. Both of these yield excess vertical space above the line:

enter image description here

How do I eliminate these two instances of excess vertical space?



    Line1,   AAAA
    Line2,   BBBB
    Line4,   DDDD
    Line5,   EEEE

    % #1 = database to search
    \begin{tabular}{c c}\toprule
        Label & Cost  \\\cmidrule{1-2}
            \RowID & \Label \\



3 Answers 3


Within a tabular, \baselineskip is set to 0pt, but you can use \normalbaselineskip to correct for the additional spaces:

enter image description here



  Line1,   AAAA
  Line2,   BBBB
  Line4,   DDDD
  Line5,   EEEE

  % #1 = database to search
  \begin{tabular}{c c}\toprule
    Label & Cost  \\\cmidrule{1-2}
        \RowID & \Label \\



As usual, it's better to build in advance the table body and deliver it at once.

    Line1,   AAAA
    Line2,   BBBB
    Line4,   DDDD
    Line5,   EEEE


  % #1 = database to search
        \expandonce{\RowID} &
        \expandonce{\Label} \noexpand\\%
 \begin{tabular}{c c}\toprule
 Label & Cost  \\\cmidrule{1-2}



enter image description here


A workaround would be to set negative vertical space before the middle and bottom rules with [-2.75ex]

enter image description here


    Line1,   AAAA \\
    Line2,   BBBB \\ [-2.75ex]
    Line4,   DDDD \\
    Line5,   EEEE \\ [-2.75ex]

    % #1 = database to search
    \begin{tabular}{c c}\toprule
        Label & Cost  \\\cmidrule{1-2}
            \RowID & \Label  


  • Oppss. Did not realize that I had the `\\` in the actual data (I cut and used the code from another answer). Have corrected the question. BUT, I don't think it is a good idea to edit the data for formatting related issues. Commented Aug 9, 2018 at 23:09

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