You can use \node also
, which is described on p. 250 of the pgfmanual, for that.
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}
\node at (\i,0) [rectangle,label={above:$ \i $}] (v\i) {$i$};
\foreach \i in {3,6,8}{
\node also [label={[fill=white]above:$ \varnothing $}] (v\i);
BIG THANKS TO MAX for the edit.
Just in case you ever have wider labels: give the labels names and use their width for Max' fill=white
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,10}
\node at (\i,0) [rectangle,label={[name=lab\i]above:$\i\i$}] (v\i) {$i$};
\foreach \i in {3,6,10}{
\path let \p1=($(lab\i.north east)-(lab\i.south west)$) in node also
[label={[fill=white,minimum width=\x1,minimum height=\y1]above:$ \varnothing $}] (v\i);
ADDENDUM: Just for curiosity I was wondering if there is a simple way to make Max' nice answer work with lists. I am sure there is and leave it to others to use some xparse
or other magic. Here I just want to report an irony of fate. If one goes for the built-in LaTeX check whether or not something is an element of a list, then my naive attempt fails for two digits, precisely where the simplest version of the above also starts to go wrong. Rather funny and ironic, I'd say. ;-)
% and
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}
\node at (\i,0) [rectangle,label=above:$\temp$] (v\i) {$ i $};