Here's a MWE:
\draw[decorate, decoration=random steps] (0,0) -- (10,0);
\node[decorate, decoration=random steps, draw, fill=yellow, inner sep=0.5cm] at (5,-2) {};
For a more complex picture, I wanted to apply the same decoration to all lines and nodes, and so I used "every path":
\begin{tikzpicture}[every path/.style={decorate, decoration=random steps}]
\draw (0,0) -- (10,0);
\node[draw, fill=yellow, inner sep=0.5cm] at (5,-2) {};
However, this results in an error: "I cannot decorate an empty path". I think I understand what the problem is: \node ...
is replaced with \path node ...
and we thus have an empty path.
But how can I achieve what I want, namely applying the same decoration to all lines AND nodes (let's assume there a lots of them) without having to specify it explicitly for each \draw
and \node