How can I test for a not defined boolean?

I want to have



in my main.tex and in each of the chapter TeX files.

if not defined is_single_book

So when I compile the entire book, \externaldocument{volume1}[http://mybook.com/volume1.pdf] isn't executed.

It doesn't have to be a boolean if something else is simpler or doesn't require an extra package.

  • Why do you want "is not defined" rather than "true" and "false"? Does a package specify that boolean?
    – TeXnician
    Aug 16, 2018 at 11:06
  • 3
    So you essentially want a three-way switch: boolean undefined, boolean true and boolean false? Or can you simplify this to a simple two-valued logic with a true and false boolean? Since you use etoolbox commands you can use \ifcsundef{ifis_single_book}{<undef>}{<def>} to check if the boolean is_single_book is undefined. Note that \providebool makes sure the boolean is defined, so \ifcsundef{ifis_single_book} will execute the false branch.
    – moewe
    Aug 16, 2018 at 11:06

3 Answers 3


While you could check if a bool is defined by using \ifcsundef{if...} (see comment from moewe), it looks as if you actually want a boolean which is always false if you are in a chapter tex file.

This can be archived by using \providebool, which defines the bool as false, iff is is not defined already:



in your main file and


in your chapter files.

Even better would be to use toggles. They are almost the same but avoid name clashes and provide slightly better performance:

To use them, insert


in your main file and


in the chapters.

  • Something seams to be wrong for the chapters part. \externaldocument{volume1}[http://mybook.com/volume1.pdf] isn't being executed. Is is_single_book true or fasle right after \providetoggle{is_single_book}? Aug 16, 2018 at 12:34
  • \externaldocument{volume1}[http://mybook.com/volume1.pdf] should be executed if is_single_book is false or undefined. Aug 16, 2018 at 12:37

\providebool and \booltrue makes me think you are using etoolbox.

etoolbox booleans are just a thin wrapper around TeX's \newif.

That means that \newbool{<name>} defines \if<name>, so you can check if a boolean is defined by checking if \if<name> is defined.



  bool \ttfamily{#1} is




bool flobbel is undefined

bool globbel is false

bool hobbel is true

The question is whether you really need something that comes down to a three-valued logic. Is a two-valued boolean not enough?

If you want to avoid problems in case the boolean is undefined, you could just check if a macro is undefined or defined. This also has two states, but unlike with booleans there are no errors if the thing is not defined.

  {not defined}

You could also define 'permissive toggles' that are false if they don't exist





This can also be done without etoolbox if you like those sort of things

  \expandafter\let\csname sa@ptogl@#1\endcsname\@empty}
  \expandafter\let\csname sa@ptogl@#1\endcsname\@sa@undef}% this assumes \@sa@undef is undefined
  \ifcsname sa@ptogl@#1\endcsname
  • I were only using etoolbox for this one thing, so if this package can be avoided, then it would be much appreciated. Aug 16, 2018 at 11:34
  • 3
    @SandraSchlichting Theoretically especially in my last two examples we could do away with etoolbox, but I would end up essentially copying (a bit of) code from that package, so why not load it?
    – moewe
    Aug 16, 2018 at 11:38
  • I see. Good point. Aug 16, 2018 at 11:42

It doesn't have to be a boolean, if something else is simpler or doesn't require an extra package.

I think \ifdefined and \def provide what you're looking for. You don't need an extra package or any definition.

In your main document, write


or, alternatively, \newcommand{\isSingleBook}{} or \providecommand{\isSingleBook}{}.

Then you can check with:

  %% you're in the book
  %% you're not in the book

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