This is the code
\usetikzlibrary{matrix,decorations.pathreplacing, calc, positioning}
\matrix [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=)] (m) {
a_1&b_{1,2}&0&\cdots&0&b_{1,s_1+1}&0&0&\cdots&0&b_{2,s_2+1} \\
b_{1,2}&a_2&b_{1,3} \\
&\ddots&\ddots&\ddots \\
&&b_{1,s_1-1}&a_{s_1-1}&b_{1,5} \\
b_{1,s_1+1}&&&&0&a_{s_1+1}&b_{2,s_1+2} \\
&&&&&&\ddots&\ddots&\ddots \\
&&&&&&&b_{1,s_1-1}&a_{s_1-1}&b_{1,s_3} \\
&&&&&&&&b_{1,5}&a_{s_2-1} \\
\node[above=10pt of m-1-1] (top-1){};
\node[above=10pt of m-1-3] (top-3){};
\node[above=10pt of m-1-4] (top-4){};
\node[above=10pt of m-1-5] (top-5){};
\node[above=10pt of m-1-6] (top-6){};
\node[rectangle,above delimiter=\{] (del-top-3) at ($0.5*(top-3.south) +0.5*(top-5.south)$) {\tikz{\path (top-3.south west) rectangle (top-5.north east);}};
\node[above=5pt] at (del-top-3.north) {$N_1-1$};
And this is the result
The matrix is floating to the right and the rest of it is invisible. How can I center it?