Amsmath and mathtools provides two macros to label terms of an equation:





\underbrace{\E{q_\phi(\theta)}{\ln p(\mathcal{D}|\theta)}}_\text{expected likelihood}
-\underbrace{\KL{q_\phi(\theta)}{p(\theta)}}_\text{complexity} \\
\underbracket{\E{q_\phi(\theta)}{\ln p(\mathcal{D}|\theta)}}_\text{expected likelihood}


underbrace and underbracket

I'd like to get this behavior, except that the brace or bracket is just a thick straight line. Is this possible using these or other packages?

  • 4
    It could get confusing, if misconstrued for a vinculum Commented Aug 20, 2018 at 13:57
  • 2
    Know what I mean? Vinc-vinc, nudge nudge. Commented Aug 20, 2018 at 16:31

2 Answers 2


Manipulating the <rule thickness> and <bracket height> in

\underbracket[<rule thickness>][<bracket height>]{<arg>}

suffices. Note that I removed \mathbb{...}, simplified \mathrm{KL}, and changed \;\|\; to \mathrel{\Vert}. You may also want to use \mid instead of | in \ln p(\mathcal{D}|\theta).


%\usepackage{amsfonts}% not needed since I removed `\mathbb'

\newcommand{\KL}[2]{D_{\mathrm{KL}}[#1\mathrel{\Vert}#2]}% Put `\mathrm{KL}' in braces. Thanks, @egreg!


\underbrace{\E{q_\phi(\theta)}{\ln p(\mathcal{D}|\theta)}}_\text{expected likelihood}
-\underbrace{\KL{q_\phi(\theta)}{p(\theta)}}_\text{complexity} \\
\underbracket{\E{q_\phi(\theta)}{\ln p(\mathcal{D}|\theta)}}_\text{expected likelihood}
-\underbracket{\KL{q_\phi(\theta)}{p(\theta)}}_\text{complexity} \\
\underbracket[0.27778ex][0pt]{\E{q_\phi(\theta)}{\ln p(\mathcal{D}|\theta)}}_\text{expected likelihood}



I agree with @StevenB.Segletes: This looks rather confusing. Are you dividing the expectation by “expected likelihood”, and dividing the information/entropy by “complexity”? Even with the thick rules, the expressions in Eq. (3) appear to be (poorly typed) fractions at first glance.

  • 1
    I'm not gonna even post my answer, because this one is so nice and straightforward. Commented Aug 20, 2018 at 14:10

You can realize it with other methods than \underbracket:


\newcommand{\dmid}{\parallel} % a semantic alias

    \noalign{\vskip1pt\hrule height 1pt\vskip1pt}


\explain{\E{q_\phi(\theta)}{\ln p(\mathcal{D}\mid\theta)}}
        {expected likelihood}


I've fixed the definition of \E to have \operatorname and \mathbb switched. There is no need to do \mathrm{\operatorname{KL}} and an additional pair of braces is recommended: D_{\mathrm{KL}} is correct.

A \vphantom will make the underlines align. The | should be \mid.

enter image description here

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