Edit 3
I'm happy to announce that some of the code of this answer is now included in the Tikz package (v3.1.2) as the perspective
Edit 2
Using this awesome answer in combination with my tpp
coordinate system, I managed to get an approximation of a nonlinear mapping to the side of the block.
Or without help lines:
Stationary image:
grid source opposite corners/.code args={#1and#2}{%
grid target corners/.code args={#1--#2--#3--#4}{%
% Initialize H matrix for perspective view
%Initialize H matrix for main rotation
/three point perspective/.cd,
p/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@da{ 1/#1}
\coordinate (vp-p) at (#1,#2,#3);
q/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@db{ 1/#2}
\coordinate (vp-q) at (#1,#2,#3);
r/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@dc{ 1/#3}
\coordinate (vp-r) at (#1,#2,#3);
coordinate/.code args={#1,#2,#3}{
view/.code 2 args={
% Row 1
% Row 2
% Row 3
% Set vector values
% Set pgf vectors
\pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@x@x cm}{\vec@x@y cm}}
\pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@y@x cm}{\vec@y@y cm}}
\pgfsetzvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@z@x cm}{\vec@z@y cm}}
perspective/.code={\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,#1}},
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{three point perspective}{
\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,coordinate={#1}}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@w{\H@tpp@da*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@db*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@dc*\tpp@z + 1}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@x{(\H@tpp@aa*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@ab*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@ac*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@y{(\H@tpp@ba*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@bb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@bc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@z{(\H@tpp@ca*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@cb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@cc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\tikzaliascoordinatesystem{tpp}{three point perspective}
\definecolor{mydarkbluishgray}{RGB}{134 134 191}
\definecolor{mylightbluishgray}{RGB}{215 215 255}
\foreach \vp in {10,12.5,...,50}{
% \foreach \vp in {10}{
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
\clip (-12,0) rectangle (12,10);
p = {(\vp,0,5.5)},
q = {(0,\vp,5.5)},
\fill[mydarkbluishgray] (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (tpp cs:0,0,10) -- (tpp cs:0,5,10) -- (tpp cs:0,5,0) -- cycle;
\fill[mylightbluishgray] (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (tpp cs:0,0,10) -- (tpp cs:15,0,10) -- (tpp cs:15,0,0) -- cycle;
grid source opposite corners={(0cm,0cm) and (15cm,10cm)},
grid target corners={(tpp cs:0,0,0)--(tpp cs:15,0,0)--(tpp cs:15,0,10)--(tpp cs:0,0,10)}
% \draw[dotted] (0cm,4.75cm) -- (15cm,4.75cm);
% \draw[red] (0cm,5.00cm) -- (15cm,5.00cm);
% \draw[dotted] (0cm,5.25cm) -- (15cm,5.25cm);
% \draw[dotted] (6.1cm,0cm) -- (6.1cm,10cm);
% \draw[red] (7.5cm,0cm) -- (7.5cm,10cm);
% \draw[dotted] (8.9cm,0cm) -- (8.9cm,10cm);
\foreach \char [count=\i from -2] in {O,M,E,A,G}{
\pgftransformshift{\pgfpointadd{\pgfpoint{7.5cm}{5cm}}{\pgfpoint{\i *0.6cm}{0cm}}}
% \begin{scope}[dotted,line width=0.2pt]
% \node[label=right:p,fill,circle,inner sep = 2pt] (p) at (vp-p){};
% \draw (tpp cs:0,0,10) -- (p.center);
% \draw (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (p.center);
% \draw (tpp cs:0,5,10) -- (p.center);
% \draw (tpp cs:0,5,0) -- (p.center);
% \node[label=left:q,fill,circle,inner sep = 2pt] (q) at (vp-q){};
% \draw (tpp cs:0,0,10) -- (q.center);
% \draw (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (q.center);
% \draw (tpp cs:15,0,10) -- (q.center);
% \draw (tpp cs:15,0,0) -- (q.center);
% \end{scope}
Edit See previous edits for my former answer
I defined a new coordinate system three point perspective
. It can be used as
\draw (three point perspective cs:0,0,0) -- (three point perspective cs:5,5,5);
Or slightly more convenient
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (tpp cs:5,5,5);
To turn perspective view on, you can call the perspective={<options>}
Tikz-key. The options are:
to set the vanishing point in x
direction, to turn of set p_x
to 0.
to set the vanishing point in y
direction, to turn of set q_y
to 0.
to set the vanishing point in z
direction, to turn of set r_z
to 0.
The default perspective is set to p={(15,0,0)},q={(0,15,0)},r={(0,0,50)}
To change the viewing angle, I also added a view={<rotate about x>}{<rotate about z>}
key. The latter ensures that I don't need the tikz-3dplot
any longer.
The result is similar, but is easier to use.
% Initialize H matrix for perspective view
%Initialize H matrix for main rotation
/three point perspective/.cd,
p/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@da{ 1/#1}
\coordinate (vp-p) at (#1,#2,#3);
q/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@db{ 1/#2}
\coordinate (vp-q) at (#1,#2,#3);
r/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@dc{ 1/#3}
\coordinate (vp-r) at (#1,#2,#3);
coordinate/.code args={#1,#2,#3}{
view/.code 2 args={
% Row 1
% Row 2
% Row 3
\pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@x@x cm}{\vec@x@y cm}}
\pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@y@x cm}{\vec@y@y cm}}
\pgfsetzvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@z@x cm}{\vec@z@y cm}}
perspective/.code={\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,#1}},
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{three point perspective}{
\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,coordinate={#1}}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@w{\H@tpp@da*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@db*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@dc*\tpp@z + 1}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@x{(\H@tpp@aa*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@ab*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@ac*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@y{(\H@tpp@ba*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@bb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@bc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@z{(\H@tpp@ca*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@cb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@cc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\tikzaliascoordinatesystem{tpp}{three point perspective}
\definecolor{mydarkbluishgray}{RGB}{134 134 191}
\definecolor{mylightbluishgray}{RGB}{215 215 255}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
p = {(1,0,0.55)},
q = {(0,1,0.55)},
\fill[mydarkbluishgray] (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (tpp cs:0,0.5,1) -- (tpp cs:0,0.5,0) -- cycle;
\fill[mylightbluishgray] (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (tpp cs:1.5,0,1) -- (tpp cs:1.5,0,0) -- cycle;
\path (tpp cs:0,0,0.5) -- node[sloped]{OMEAG} (tpp cs:1.5,0,0.5);
\begin{scope}[dotted,line width=0.2pt]
\node[label=right:p,fill,circle,inner sep = 2pt] (p) at (vp-p){};
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (p.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (p.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0.5,1) -- (p.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0.5,0) -- (p.center);
\node[label=left:q,fill,circle,inner sep = 2pt] (q) at (vp-q){};
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (q.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (q.center);
\draw (tpp cs:1.5,0,1) -- (q.center);
\draw (tpp cs:1.5,0,0) -- (q.center);
Of course I had to make an animation to show different vanishing point distances:
MWE animation:
% Initialize H matrix for perspective view
%Initialize H matrix for main rotation
/three point perspective/.cd,
p/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@da{ 1/#1}
\coordinate (vp-p) at (#1,#2,#3);
q/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@db{ 1/#2}
\coordinate (vp-q) at (#1,#2,#3);
r/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@dc{ 1/#3}
\coordinate (vp-r) at (#1,#2,#3);
coordinate/.code args={#1,#2,#3}{
view/.code 2 args={
% Row 1
% Row 2
% Row 3
% Set vector values
% Set pgf vectors
\pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@x@x cm}{\vec@x@y cm}}
\pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@y@x cm}{\vec@y@y cm}}
\pgfsetzvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@z@x cm}{\vec@z@y cm}}
perspective/.code={\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,#1}},
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{three point perspective}{
\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,coordinate={#1}}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@w{\H@tpp@da*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@db*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@dc*\tpp@z + 1}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@x{(\H@tpp@aa*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@ab*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@ac*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@y{(\H@tpp@ba*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@bb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@bc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@z{(\H@tpp@ca*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@cb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@cc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\tikzaliascoordinatesystem{tpp}{three point perspective}
\definecolor{mydarkbluishgray}{RGB}{134 134 191}
\definecolor{mylightbluishgray}{RGB}{215 215 255}
\foreach \vp in {1,1.1,...,5}{
% \foreach \vp in {1}{
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
\clip (-12,0) rectangle (12,10);
p = {(\vp,0,0.55)},
q = {(0,\vp,0.55)},
\fill[mydarkbluishgray] (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (tpp cs:0,0.5,1) -- (tpp cs:0,0.5,0) -- cycle;
\fill[mylightbluishgray] (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (tpp cs:1.5,0,1) -- (tpp cs:1.5,0,0) -- cycle;
\path[dotted] (tpp cs:0,0,0.5) -- node[sloped]{OMEAG} (tpp cs:1.5,0,0.5);
\begin{scope}[dotted,line width=0.2pt]
\node[label=right:p,fill,circle,inner sep = 2pt] (p) at (vp-p){};
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (p.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (p.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0.5,1) -- (p.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0.5,0) -- (p.center);
\node[label=left:q,fill,circle,inner sep = 2pt] (q) at (vp-q){};
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,1) -- (q.center);
\draw (tpp cs:0,0,0) -- (q.center);
\draw (tpp cs:1.5,0,1) -- (q.center);
\draw (tpp cs:1.5,0,0) -- (q.center);
Appendix: Two point perspective theory
A perspective transformation with two vanishing points can be described with a four by four transformation matrix H which is a function of the two vanishing points p with p_x <> 0
, and r with r_y <> 0
You can build H as follows
To be able to transform a point x expressed in 3D with H, it must be expressed in a projected space, which can be written as
Any multiplication (elongation of the 4D vector) of a vector in projected space with a non-zero scalar alpha, still maps to the same point in 3D space. E.g., the following two points map to the same point in 3D space:
So to get the three coordinates of the 3D point, you can divide all entries by the fourth entry (we need this after multiplication with a transformation matrix as H).