I have the MWE:
%\tikzset{concept/.append style={fill={none}}}
outer sep=0pt, small mindmap,
concept color=pink,
every node/.style={concept},
root/.style = {concept color=pink,
\node[root, anchor=center, minimum size=2.2cm, text width=2.2cm ] {A}
[clockwise from=120]
child[concept color=blue!50,]{
node[concept] (d) {D}
[counterclockwise from=30]
child { node[concept color=blue!25] (e){E}
child[counterclockwise from=35] { node[concept color=blue!12.5] (f){F}}
child[concept color=orange!50] {
node[concept, ] (h) {H}
[counterclockwise from=0]
child { node[concept color = orange!25, sibling angle=120] (i) {I}}
\path (d) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (blue!50) to (blue!25)] (e);
\path (e) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (blue!25) to (blue!12.5)] (f);
\path (h) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (orange!50) to (orange!25)] (i);
It gives the mindmap:
However, if you look closely, you'll see a drawing on node E
, F
(highlighted in yellow):
I tried to remove it by setting draw=none
to the \path
, but it does not work. Anyone knows how to remove these lines?