I'm trying to have separately numbered "Resource" sections in a memoir document, but have produced clevereferences that refer to the "current" Resource counter value instead of the referenced Resource's counter value.

I don't think this is due to the incompatibilities between memoir and titlesec (see the edit, below).

I'm open to non-titlesec solutions, but I do require memoir for the document as a whole. Here's a MWE.




\titleformat{\section}{\Large\sffamily\bfseries}{Resource \arabic{resourcecounter}}{1ex}{}
\section[Resource \arabic{resourcecounter}: #1]{#2}
\titleformat{\subsection}{\sffamily}{Resource \thesubsection}{1ex}{}




Foo \cref{res:bar}.


Bar \cref{res:bar}.



Note that I have found several related issues, none of which has been exactly the same, AFAICT.


I've confirmed that the same numbering issue remains when titlesec and \titleformat are removed. It seems to have something to do with cleveref and declaring a \section with a custom label inside the \resource macro.

  • Should you use \refstepcounter{resourcecounter} instead of `\stepcounter{resourcecounter}? Commented Sep 1, 2018 at 19:16
  • @PeterWilson, it doesn't seem to have any effect. Commented Sep 1, 2018 at 19:41

1 Answer 1


After isolating the problem to references in sections (note: this also applies when using nameref if there's a counter in the title), I found this clever answer to a very related problem. I adapted this solution (which didn't use a section macro) and developed the following more minimal, actually working example.



\newcommand{\resourcer}[1]{% this is the magic

\resourcer{#3} % using the magic
\section[Resource \theresourcecounter: #1]{Resource \theresourcecounter: #2}




See \cref{res:bar}.

\resource{Bar}{Bar}{res:bar} % note how labeled in macro

See \cref{res:bar}.


See \cref{res:bar}.


See \cref{res:bar}.


The result is result of mwe

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