I'm using biblatex with the ext-authoryear style. Now I have following problem.

When an entry has both date and year, then the date is displayed right behind the author, like in the following example:

Neuhetzki, Thorsten (8. Mai 2017): GSM, UMTS & LTE: Mobilfunkfrequenzen in Deutschland im Überblick, herausgegeben von teltarif.de Onlineverlag GmbH, url: https://www.teltarif.de/frequenzen-mobilfunk-netzbetreiber-uebersicht-lte-2017/news/68488.html (Abruf vom 27. 07. 2018)

What I want to have now is to separate the date and the year to have following result:

Neuhetzki, Thorsten (2017): GSM, UMTS & LTE: Mobilfunkfrequenzen in Deutschland im Überblick, herausgegeben von teltarif.de Onlineverlag GmbH, 8. Mai 2017, url: https://www.teltarif.de/frequenzen-mobilfunk-netzbetreiber-uebersicht-lte-2017/news/68488.html (Abruf vom 27. 07. 2018)

The changes are marked bold, but this is just to visualize which entries I want to change.

Does anyone has an idea how to get this?

Due to the fact to create just one entry every 20 Minutes I'd like to ask one more thing.

After the Title of an @WWW entry there should be a [online], like

Neuhetzki, Thorsten (2017): GSM, UMTS & LTE: Mobilfunkfrequenzen in Deutschland im Überblick [online], herausgegeben von teltarif.de Onlineverlag GmbH, 8. Mai 2017, url: https://www.teltarif.de/frequenzen-mobilfunk-netzbetreiber-uebersicht-lte-2017/news/68488.html (Abruf vom 27. 07. 2018)

As mentioned above, the bold is just to visualize what I want to achieve (without the bold stuff).

Edit1: Found a solution for the [online], referring to BibLaTeX: How to remove dot in modified field format

Thanks to @moewe this was the way to go:

  • Please try to provide an MWE with your questions. It is fairly clear what you are after, but it is much easier for me to test my solutions if I have code to test it with. The current state shows that you have applied customisations already, I can only guarantee that my solution and your customisations are compatible if I get to see the code that you have already. Posting an MWE also shows that you care about the time of the people trying to help you, because you don't let them replicate what you already have.
    – moewe
    Commented Sep 3, 2018 at 7:16
  • And please ask only one question per question. There is absolutely no problem with asking five question on one day, provided the questions are good. But it can be a pain for the people trying to help you and future visitors who are looking for answer if there are several only tangentially related issues in one question. See tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/7425/35864.
    – moewe
    Commented Sep 3, 2018 at 7:18
  • @moewe as your solution which u posted below works i think a MWE is not necessary anymore. post this the next time
    – Robert
    Commented Sep 3, 2018 at 8:45

1 Answer 1


You are looking for the mergedate option, documentation can be found in the style documentation of authoryear and friends: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/examples/50-style-authoryear-biber.pdf

You probably want


but maybe you want the more radical mergedate=false or mergedate=minimum. The default is mergedate=compact.


\usepackage[style=ext-authoryear, backend=biber, mergedate=basic]{biblatex}



Markey, Nicolas (2005). Tame the BeaST. The B to X of BibTeX. Version 1.3. 16. Okt. 2005. url: http://mirror.ctan.org/info/bibtex/tamethebeast/ttb_en.pdf (besucht am 01.10.2006).


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