I have a massive flow-diagram describing a new methodology we developed. Despite the combined efforts of my supervisor and mine, we could not split the diagram into two parts.
It was decided that the entire unbroken figure is required to explain the concept. Luckily, I created the figure as a vector graphic (a PDF) and also created it close to paper-measurements so that text within boxes and other labels are readable.
Now, in my thesis on a A4-sized paper, I wish to include this figure (in a 90 degree rotated placement). To make the maximum use of available spacing, I wish to get rid of the header.
- the page itself should remain in portrait mode
- only the inserted graphic (.pdf file) should be rotated 90 degrees.
- finally, we just need a normal caption, i.e. caption should not be rotated.
How can I achieve this?
I got up to this MNWE
, but still needs more work to get to the final desired result.
\thispagestyle{plain} % trying to get rid of header to reduce visual clutter on this float page
\begin{figure}[p] % the figure needs to occupy the entire page. Hence permitting only the 'p' modifier.
\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\textwidth]{demo} % 'fig_master_flow_diagramPDF.pdf' is a huge figure and needs to stretch/shrink suitably to occupy the entire type-area available.
Interesting caption
Interesting caption\footnotemark.
\footnote{Some important footnote}
and ending with\end{document}