I'm writing my masters thesis and i have the following problem: I have the same author and the same year for two books.
title = {Elastizitätstheorie},
publisher = {BI Wissenschaftsverlag},
year = {1993},
author = {Eschenauer, Hans and Schnell, Walter},
isbn = {3411162635},
subtitle = {Grundlagen, Flächentragwerke, Strukturoptimierung},
title = {Elastizitätstheorie},
publisher = {BI Wissenschaftsverlag},
year = {1993},
author = {Eschenauer, Hans and Schnell, Walter},
isbn = {3411167718},
subtitle = {Formel- und Aufgabensammlung},
Now the citation looks like [Eschenauer, 1993a] when citing the first one. I like it that way but my professor wants it to look like [Eschenauer-1, 1993] for the first and [Eschenauer-2, 1993] for the second entry. Is there any way to do this quick and easy? I am using biblatex with biber as backend. Thank you in advance!
backend = biber, %% Hilfsprogramm "biber" (statt "biblatex" oder "bibtex")
%style = authoryear, %% Zitierstil (siehe Dokumentation)
style = alphabetic, %% Alphabetische Reihenfolge der Liste im Literaturverzeichnis
%style = iso-authoryear,
autolang = other, %% to support multiple languages in bibliography
maxalphanames = 4,
maxcitenames = 1, %% Maximale Anzahl an genannten Autoren im Zitat-Verweis
mincitenames = 1,
natbib = true, %% Bereitstellen von natbib-kompatiblen Zitierkommandos
hyperref = true, %% hyperref-Paket verwenden, um Links zu erstellen
%uniquelist = false,
isbn = false, %% source: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/23118/9075
bibencoding = UTF8, %% this is necessary only if bibliography file is in different encoding than main document
%Eckige Klammern um Zitat-Verweis
\DefineBibliographyStrings{ngerman}{andothers={et\ al\adddot}} % aus u.a. zu et al. machen
\DeclareFieldFormat[phdthesis]{title}{#1} % keine Anführungszeichen um Titel bei allen Abschlussarbeiten
\renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\addcolon\space} % Doppelpunkt nach letztem Autor
% \field[strwidth=0,strside=left,ifnames=3-, namessep={\space}]{labelname}
% \field[strwidth=0,strside=left,ifnames=2, namessep={\space und\space}]{labelname}
% Eckige Klammer um Abrufdatum URL/DOI ohne Text (\bibstring{urlseen}\space)
% Zitierung ohne eckige Klammern: Autor (Jahr) im Text:
\def\citeplain#1{\citeauthor{#1} (\citeyear{#1})}
\blindtext \cite{Eschenauer1993a}
style? You can make it much easier for us to help you, if you can show us a complete, yet minimal example document that shows how you loadbiblatex
and how you use it: an MWE/MWEB. FWIW I know of no style that would produce the exact output "[Eschenauer, 1993a]" for the first citation out of the box, so I really need to know whether you usestyle=authoryear
(where a solution should be fairly straightforward) orstyle=alphabetic
(where I'm not sure).