I have the following source for a tikz-feynman diagram:
\vertex [dot] (o1);
\vertex [right=of o1,dot] (i1);
\vertex [above right=of i1] (it);
\vertex [above=of it,crossed dot] (ot);
\vertex [below right=of it,dot] (i2);
\vertex [below left=of i2] (ib);
\vertex [below=of ib] (ob);
\vertex [right=of i2,dot] (o2);
\diagram* {
(o1) -- [gluon] (i1),
(i2) -- [gluon] (o2),
(o1) -- [fermion, quarter left] (ot),
(ot) -- [fermion, quarter left] (o2),
(o2) -- [fermion, quarter left] (ob),
(ob) -- [fermion, quarter left] (o1),
(i1) -- [fermion, quarter left] (it),
(it) -- [fermion, quarter left] (i2),
(i2) -- [fermion, quarter left] (ib),
(ib) -- [fermion, quarter left] (i1),
Which produces the following output:
It is not clear to me why the vertex styles dot
and crossed dot
are not being displayed.
In general I would be happy with any style that suitably conveys that the loops are cut propagators, although this goes beyond the scope of the question.
, the required\usepackage
, and\end{document}
. That may seem tedious to you, but think of the extra work it represents for TeX.SX users willing to give you a hand. Help them help you: remove that one hurdle between you and a solution to your problem.\pgfextra
in\def\tikzfeynman@commands@vertex{ \path \pgfextra{\tikzfeynmanallowemptynodetrue} \pgfextra{\tikzfeynmanvertextrue} node}
. One option would be to just draw the vertices with a\foreach
loop by hand.