The following code is continued from this post and this one. The following code compiles ok without babel but not with it. See the console output below. Is there a way resolve this issue?

\usepackage[french]{babel} % no error if uncommented
\usepackage{xwatermark} % ruled out

\newlistof{encl}{encl}{List of enclosed items}

{ m }
  \addcontentsline{encl}{encl}{\theencl. #1}

{ m }
  E{\small NCL} \# \getrefnumber{#1}












Console output:

ERROR: Missing \endcsname inserted.

--- TeX said --- \unskip l.36 \getencl{encl:bar} ~is~on~page~\getpagerefnumber{encl:bar} --- HELP --- From the .log file...

The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname.

2 Answers 2


When babel-french is active, the colon has a special meaning: “remove a possible space, add a nonbreaking space and print the colon”.

Indeed, you get

! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 

LaTeX makes provision so that \ref or \pageref take care of babel shorthands such as :, ? and ! for French and " for German. This cannot be done with \getrefnumber or \getpagerefnumber, because the protection needs assignments, in this case setting a switch so that the colon shorthand, for instance, produces a standard colon.

The refcount commands want and need to be fully expandable and so no assignment can take place during their job: expandability is the feature for which refcount was born.

In general, I recommend avoiding babel shorthands in labels.

For your specific problem, where you use no macros in the argument to \get(page)refnumber, you can use \detokenize:

\usepackage[french]{babel} % no error if uncommented
\usepackage{xwatermark} % ruled out

\newlistof{encl}{encl}{List of enclosed items}

\NewDocumentCommand{\addencl}{ m }
  \addcontentsline{encl}{encl}{\theencl. #1}%

\NewDocumentCommand{\getencl}{ m }
  E{\small NCL} \# \getrefnumber{\detokenize{#1}}%













But it's much simpler using encl-foo.


It will work if you use \string: in place of : at a number of locations.

\usepackage[french]{babel} % no error if uncommented
\usepackage{xwatermark} % ruled out

\newlistof{encl}{encl}{List of enclosed items}

{ m }
  \addcontentsline{encl}{encl}{\theencl. #1}

{ m }
  E{\small NCL} \# \getrefnumber{#1}













enter image description here

Note: I initially added \detokenize to the document commands defined, but there remained a problem with \getpagerefnumber.

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