I am using sharelatex for my documentation work. I am doing my reference section with biblatex. While adding my reference all the url that I have used are cited at the beginning. I would like to have these URL towards the end of my reference section.

For eg

  1. Article 1,
  2. Article 2, 3.URL 4.URL

below is the code I am using.

    author        = {Leo.},
    title         = {forests.},
    journaltitle  = {45.1},
    year          = {2003},
   %volume        = {911},
    %number        = {14},
    pages         = {5-32},
    %doi           = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/andp.19053221004}
author        = {},
    title         = {},
    year          = {},
    url           = {http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/111968/random-forest-how-to-handle-overfitting},

I am new to this platform and any help would be appreciated.

  • Welcome to TeX.SX. Does en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/… help?
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 6:19
  • @Johannes_B I tried it , but i am unsuccessful. I wanted to sort the reference with papers first and then these URLs. But according to my style, it takes it by the chapters.
    – Jenny
    Commented Sep 22, 2018 at 7:32

1 Answer 1


I would suggest a split bibliography: One \printbibliography for non-@online sources and one for @online. A split bibliography makes it clearer why the numbering is different from the usual scheme.

Don't forget the defernumbers=true option if you use a numeric style.


\usepackage[backend=bibtex, style=numeric-comp, defernumbers=true]{biblatex}

  author  = {Humphrey Appleby},
  title   = {On the Importance of the Civil Service},
  date    = {1980},
  author  = {Anne Elk},
  title   = {A Theory on Brontosauruses},
  date    = {1972},
  url     = {http://example.edu/~elk/bronto.pdf},
  urldate = {2018-09-22},
  author  = {James Hacker},
  title   = {On Government},
  journal = {Government and Governing},
  volume  = {123},
  number  = {4},
  pages   = {109-123},
  date    = {1981},
  author  = {Frank Weisel},
  title   = {It Takes Two to Quango},
  date    = {1980},
  url     = {http://example.com/~weisel/quango.pdf},
  urldate = {2018-09-22},


\printbibliography[type=online, title={Online Sources}]

References//1 Humphrey Appleby. On the Importance of the Civil Service. 1980.//2 James Hacker. ‘On Government’. In: Government and Governing 123.4 (1981), pp. 109–123.//Online Sources//3 Anne Elk. A Theory on Brontosauruses. 1972. url: http://example.edu/~elk/bronto.pdf (visited on 22/09/2018).//4 Frank Weisel. It Takes Two to Quango. 1980. url: http://example.com/~weisel/quango.pdf (visited on 22/09/2018).

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