I have this little cloud shape that I want to use in my system diagram figures.


\node [cloud, draw,cloud puffs=10,cloud puff arc=120, aspect=2, inner ysep=1em] {};

It looks like this:

symmetric cloud

The problem, though, is that the cloud is too symmetrical. I want one side to be 'shorter'. Something like this (minus the arrow, text and drop shadow, of course):

unsymmetric cloud

Can't find anything in the manual or online. Any hints?

3 Answers 3


It's not a very good answer but I don't have enough time to do a new shape and you can find a lot of examples to do a new shape (batman or other shapes) from this answer.

I made manually a cloud and I place the text inside. You can make a macro to draw the cloud and to place the text at the same time.

You can use the node (cloud) to place arrows etc.

What you can do:

  • new shape: asym cloud
  • or a macro to draw the cloud and to place the text

\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{261 pt}{115 pt}} 
  \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfqpoint{70 pt}{107 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{137 pt}{291 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{260 pt}{273 pt}} 
  \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfqpoint{78 pt}{382 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{381 pt}{445 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{412 pt}{410 pt}}
  \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfqpoint{577 pt}{587 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{698 pt}{488 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{685 pt}{366 pt}}
  \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfqpoint{840 pt}{192 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{610 pt}{157 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{610 pt}{157 pt}}
  \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfqpoint{531 pt}{39 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{298 pt}{51 pt}}
                 {\pgfqpoint{261 pt}{115 pt}}
 \draw (0,0) rectangle (15,10) ;
 \node (cloud) at (8,7) {\tikz \asymcloud{fill=gray!20,thick};};
 \node at (4,6) {\tikz[cm={-1,0,0,1,(0,0)}]\asymcloud[.15]{fill=gray!20,thick};}; 
 \node at (8,7) {Net};


enter image description here


I had to use a cloud shape in one of my figures in an university lecture, and I came up with this solution:

Asymmetric cloud



\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes}




\node[cloud, cloud puffs=15.7, cloud ignores aspect, minimum width=5cm, minimum height=2cm, align=center, draw] (cloud) at (0cm, 0cm) {Cloud};



The key is to use the cloud ignores aspect keyword, and control width and height with minimum width and minimum height keywords. Asymmetry can be achieved specifying a float number for cloud puffs.

Not perfect, but this is what I use now.


Obviously the asymmetric cloud can even be simply draw. An exact copy of the cloud that you want is:


\draw (-1.6,-0.7) .. controls (-2.3,-1.1)
and (-2.7,0.3) .. (-1.7,0.3) .. controls (-1.6,0.7)
and (-1.2,0.9) .. (-0.8,0.7) .. controls (-0.5,1.5)
and (0.6,1.3) .. (0.7,0.5) .. controls (1.5,0.4)
and (1.2,-1) .. (0.4,-0.6) .. controls (0.2,-1)
and (-0.2,-1) .. (-0.5,-0.7) .. controls (-0.9,-1)
and (-1.3,-1) .. cycle;


enter image description here


\draw (-1.6,-0.7) .. controls (-2.3,-1.1)
and (-2.7,0.3) .. (-1.7,0.3)coordinate(asy1) .. controls (-1.6,0.7)
and (-1.2,0.9) .. (-0.8,0.7) .. controls (-0.5,1.5)
and (0.6,1.3) .. (0.7,0.5) .. controls (1.5,0.4)
and (1.2,-1) .. (0.4,-0.6)coordinate(asy2) .. controls (0.2,-1)
and (-0.2,-1) .. (-0.5,-0.7) .. controls (-0.9,-1)
and (-1.3,-1) .. cycle;
\node at ($(asy1)!0.5!(asy2)$) {#2};
%\AsymCloud{coordinate}{text}{scale factor}
\AsymCloud{(0,-6)}{very very very very very very long text}{2}

enter image description here

  • 2
    How can we use it as a template and draw the clouds of different sizes?
    – Jitendra
    Commented Sep 16, 2018 at 16:26
  • @Jitendra for change the size and shift the cloud you must use \draw[scale=2,shift={(1,0)}] ... for example. You can create a little macro with \newcommand.
    – vi pa
    Commented Sep 18, 2018 at 14:13
  • Thank you @vi pa. How can be make is a node using \node? Also, instead of absolute points, can we make it relative points?
    – Jitendra
    Commented May 3, 2019 at 12:32
  • @Jitendra Look at the edit.
    – vi pa
    Commented May 7, 2019 at 12:41
  • Thank you @vi pa
    – Jitendra
    Commented May 12, 2019 at 11:49

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