I'm having troubles changing the numbering style of figures in my chapters, the one that appears in the table of figures are displayed as I want but the numbering in the text is not.
The caption of a figure in the text looks like this
in the table of figures, instead, it looks like this
How can I set the figure numbering in the text to be like the one in the table of figures? In other words, how should I do to have the figure numbering like Figura 1.1 Figura 1.2 etc
Here is a MWE
\usepackage[font=small, labelfont=bf, labelsep=period, justification=centering, margin=-1cm]{caption}
\chapter{Fisica Greca}
I'm sorry for the real bad formatting of the compiled pdf but I've taken just the necessary pieces of an old report I was writing.
Thank you for your time.