I'm having troubles changing the numbering style of figures in my chapters, the one that appears in the table of figures are displayed as I want but the numbering in the text is not.

The caption of a figure in the text looks like this

enter image description here

in the table of figures, instead, it looks like this

enter image description here

How can I set the figure numbering in the text to be like the one in the table of figures? In other words, how should I do to have the figure numbering like Figura 1.1 Figura 1.2 etc

Here is a MWE

\usepackage[font=small, labelfont=bf, labelsep=period, justification=centering, margin=-1cm]{caption}





\chapter{Fisica Greca}


The figure is this one enter image description here

I'm sorry for the real bad formatting of the compiled pdf but I've taken just the necessary pieces of an old report I was writing.

Thank you for your time.

1 Answer 1


I managed to adjust it, jus needed to substitute \labelsep=period with \labelsep=space in the caption package specifications.

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