Final solution (edit3)
Now, the code should work with page breaks in lists as well. Hope you like it :) If anything is unclear or you want some explanation about parts, just let me know!
\newcounter{mylist} % new counter for amount of lists
\newcounter{mycnt}[mylist] % create new item counter
\newcounter{mytmp}[mylist] % tmp counter needed for checking before/after current item
\newcommand{\drawoptionsconn}{gray, shorten <= .5mm, shorten >= .5mm, thick}
\newcommand{\drawoptionsshort}{gray, shorten <= .5mm, shorten >= -1mm, thick}
\newcommand{\myitem}{% Modified `\item` to update counter and save nodes
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
\expandafter\draw\expandafter[\drawoptionsshort] (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt}) --
++(0,3mm) --
(i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt} |- current page text area.north);% draw short line
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
\expandafter\draw\expandafter[\drawoptionsconn] (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mytmp}) -- (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt});% draw the connecting lines
\IfRefUndefinedExpandable{item-\alph{mylist}\arabic{mytmp}}{}{% defined
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
\expandafter\draw\expandafter[\drawoptionsshort] (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt}) --
++(0,-3mm) --
(i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt} |- current page text area.south);% draw short line
\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
\node (#1) [gray,circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt]{};
% Create new `myitemize` environment to keep track of the counters
\stepcounter{mylist}% increment list counter
\myitem test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph.
\myitem test
\myitem test
And a new list:
\myitem test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph.
\myitem test
edit2: I managed to solve the problems @Tom mentioned by using \pgfmathsetmacro\result{int(\x-1)}
and \result
rather than \pgfmathparse{int(\x-1)}
and \pgfmathresult
. It looks like tikz uses \pgfmathparse
for internal calculations that crashed the code. Using a name for it (\result
), solves this issue. Also, I used the easier shorten
syntax by @Ignasi.
TL;DR: Now thick
works as it should, as well as the other options.
edit: Made the code work with many lists on many pages.
I used a list counter mylist
and iterate over each node to plot the connecting line in the end of the newly created environment myitemize
. This supports multiple lists on multiple pages.
Original solution:
works as long as you have a single list. If you need multiple lists, page breaking, etc., you need to expand the code.
I used a new counter to name and save the nodes automatically and iterate over them in the end.
and ending with\end{document}