I've got the following two MWE:



        %%% %%% %%%
        %>> We are building a perceptron
        %%% %%% %%%

            % input vectors

            % output vector
            \xdef\outputarray{{1,0}} % The 1 means that for \firstinputarray the statement is true, for \secondinputarray is wrong

            % weights

            % bias

            % Heaviside


            % Floor function


            % new weights


            \node (a) {\texttt{firstway}: \pgfmathprintnumber{\firstway}\qquad$\mathrm{H}(\mathtt{firstway})$:\pgfmathprintnumber{\a}};

            % set new weights
            \node[above left,yshift=1cm] at (a.north east) {new \texttt{firstw}: \pgfmathprintnumber{\firstw}\qquad$\mathrm{H}(\mathtt{new fistw})$: \pgfmathprintnumber{\a}};

    %           \forheavi{0}
    %           \heaviside{\forheavinumber}
    %               \node[red,draw,below=.5cm] at (a) {\pgfmathprintnumber{\a}};




            draw,circle,inner sep=.3cm,fill=white
            \foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
                \node[neuron] (a\x) at (0,\x) {};
            \foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,12}
                \node[neuron] (b\y) at (8,\y) {};
            \foreach \z in {-2,-1,...,10}
                \node[neuron] (c\z) at (16,\z) {};
                    \draw[->] (c\z) --+ (1,0) node[right] {\pgfmathprintnumber{\n}};
            \foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
            \foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,12}
            \foreach \z in {-2,-1,...,10}
                \draw[->] (a\x) -- (b\y);
                \draw[->] (b\y) -- (c\z);
            \draw[brace] ([xshift=-1cm]a0.south) -- ([xshift=-1cm]a8.north) node[midway,text width=2.5cm,left=.5cm] {
                    input layer \\
                    (784 neurons)
            \node[above=1cm] at (b12) {
                    hidden layer \\
                    ($n = 15$ neurons)
            \node[above=1cm] at (c10) {
                    output layer

with the following output:


I've got the following questions:

  • How can I achieve that I can enter the input arrays and the starting weights and the first code does the calculations (more precisely: how can I “extend“ the foreach loop so that the algorithm stops when the right resulst is achieved) and
  • How can I than highlight the weights visual e.g. I let TikZ draw two nodes (which represent neurons) and the more “important“ a bond is the line (which connects the two neurons) gets thicker (this all happens step for step, so that we can create a little animation)?

P.S.: The feedforward network doesn't need to have such a big amount of neurons, this is just an illustration.

  • 1
    I once wrote a macro that allows a somewhat more automatic generation of these things. Do you think this is a step in the right direction?
    – user121799
    Oct 11, 2018 at 14:59


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