I've a misunderstanding about the method Tikz compute some numbers. I draw a graph with some scale
. Here is a MWE :
\draw[<->] (0.5,0) node[below right]{t} -- (0,0) -- (0,100) node[above left]{x(t)};
\foreach \t in {0, 0.08, ..., 0.48}{%
\draw (\t,1) -- (\t,-1) node[below]{\t};}
I thought 0.08 x 5 = 0.40
and not 0.40001
. And why the number 0.48 does not appear ?
I guess the xscale
factor is not foreign by this problem but i can't address the problem by changing this factor. Otherwise i have a coefficient in all the following graphplots.
I read on this post that pgf
has a uniform relative precision of about 4–5 correct digits. Is it the same for Tikz ? Is there a way to increase the precision of Tikz ?
Thx for you help !