Even though this is not a physics site, I refuse to draw the above diagram since in your diagram charge is not conserved and you do IMHO not treat antiparticles properly. A neutral pion is not composed of u \bar d
, this is a charged pion. Here is what I propose instead:
\vertex (i1) {\(u\)};
\vertex[right=2cm of i1] (f1) {\(u\)};
\vertex[below=2em of i1] (i2) {\(\bar s\)};
\vertex[below=2em of f1] (f2) {\(\bar u\)};
\vertex[below=2em of f2] (f3) {\(e^+\)};
\vertex[below=2em of f3] (f4) {\(\nu_e\)};
\vertex at ($(i2)!0.5!(f2)$) (v1);
\coordinate (aux1) at ($(f3)!0.5!(f4)$);
\coordinate (aux2) at (aux1-|v1);
\vertex at ($(aux1)!0.8!(aux2)$) (v2);
\diagram* {
(i1) -- [fermion] (f1),
(i2) -- [anti fermion] (v1) -- [anti fermion] (f2),
(v1) -- [charged boson, edge label'=\(W^+\)] (v2),
(f3) -- [fermion] (v2) -- [fermion] (f4)
\draw [decoration={brace}, decorate] (i2.south west) -- (i1.north west) node
[pos=0.5, left] {\(K^+\)};
\draw [decoration={brace}, decorate] (f1.north east) -- (f2.south east) node [pos=0.5, right] {\(\pi^{0}\)};
BTW, in case you have problems compiling this with lualatex
, please do not blame me for that. Rather have a look at this question and, more importantly, this way to fix it. Note that has absolutely nothing to do with my answer, rather any diagram compiled with lualatex
will have the same problem. Personally, I was never too excited by the graph drawing algorithms, so I almost always draw my diagrams such that they can be compiled with pdflatex