Earlier I asked This question to help me adapt a mind map.
Now, I need to move and resize some elements and I don't know how – can someone advise?
I need…
To move the Orange elements down and to the left;
To understand how to control placing of the child nodes
To be able to control the size of nodes and text
To make my title in the centre of a larger canvas.
Source code:
% Author: Edd Turner
% Source: Die Wahrnehmung
\path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
node[concept] {Die Wahrnehmung}
[clockwise from=0]
child[concept color=green!50!black] {
node[concept] {Sensorische Prozesse}
[clockwise from=90]
child { node[concept] {Sinnes\-organe} }
child { node[concept] {Schwellen}
child {node[concept] {absolute Schwelle}}
child {node[concept] {Unterschiedsschwelle}}
child { node[concept] {Optische Täuschungen aufgrund sensorischer Prozesse}
child[concept color=blue] {
node[concept] {Organisation}
[clockwise from=0]
child { node[concept] {Hauptsatz} }
child { node[concept] {Gestaltgesetze} }
child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {Klassifikation}
child[concept color=orange]{
node[concept] {Personenwahrnehmung}
[clockwise from=-90]
child { node[concept] {Theorie der Eindrucksbildung}
child {node[concept] {erste Info (erster) Eindruck}}
child {node[concept] {implizite Persönlichkeitstheorie}}
child {node[concept] {Stereotype/Vorurteile}}
child {node[concept] {selbsterfüllende Prophezeiung}}
child {node[concept] {Halo-Effekt}}
child {node[concept] {logischer Fehler}}
child {node[concept] {Kontrastfehler}}
child {node[concept] {Ähnlichkeitsfehler}}
child {node[concept] {Attribution}}
child {node[concept] {Person als Rollenträger}}
child {node[concept] {Interpretation von Verhalten}}
child { node[concept] {Personen\-wahrnehmung als Beobachtung} }