I am currently finishing a book project, and there it sometimes happens that the text of the footnote appears a page too early, meaning not on the same page as the footnote reference but one before that.
LaTeX seems to do this as a last resort when there is no other way of constructing the page (since it only happens with long, rather complex texts, I was unable to come with a MWE).
The only remedy is in most cases simply to change the texts (or sometimes the arrangement of figures). What I am looking for is not a way to avoid this, but to spot this behaviour more easily. Is it possible to make LaTeX track such footnotes and mark them in some way so they are easy to spot?
Here is now a MWE which shows the problem. The text of the footnote is on the second page while the reference is on the third.
\blindtext\blindtext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam lobortis facilisis sem. Nullam nec mi et neque p \footnote{\blindtext\blindtext}
Note: This is not about resolving this issue but about making it easier to spot it.